Créer des sites web de marketing d'affiliation efficaces

Having an effective platform to launch your affiliate marketing campaigns from is very important. Affiliate marketing websites are quickly becoming commoditized because of how easy they are to set up these days.

There are hundreds of ways you can create a website for your affiliate marketing needs, and it's a lot easier than it used to be. Having a website is a very effective tool, as you can't rely on just advertising methods alone to give a solid presence to your audience.

Best content management system for affiliates

I like using WordPress for my affiliate marketing efforts as it’s quite simple to set up. Most hosts even have automatic systems to setting up the software.

There are also lots of tools available to help affiliate marketers with their marketing efforts. That includes ThirstyAffiliates which is made exclusively for WordPress.

sites web de marketing d'affiliation

Tool for affiliate marketing

There are thousands of tools that affiliate marketers use. They range from email lists, to advertising networks and most importantly, websites.

Having a website to promote from is a very common tool for affiliate marketers.

If you run a website using the WordPress CMS you’re likely going to want a way to manage your affiliate links, that’s where our software comes in. ThirstyAffiliates is a plugin for WordPress that adds the ability to manage your affiliate links and track clicks on them among other things.

We’re really passionate about providing the best tool for affiliates to do what they do best, marketing!

Website tips for beginners

Beginners to affiliate marketing shouldn’t be afraid to experiment. All great affiliate marketers in the industry constantly experiment with the websites they are running.

Some of the things you need to get right on your website are:

  • Your website design – get a good design and make it look legitimate and professional
  • Narrow down on the type of people you want to attract to your sales funnel and figure out how you will get them to your website.
  • Determine what types of products match your audience and how you can promote them over your website.
  • And start building an email list by having a sign up form on your website so you can contact prospects many times over

Another great article we've published here on the blog to check out if you're building a website for affiliate marketing is niche affiliate marketing.

Divulgation des liens d'affiliation

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