Warum die Konzentration auf Evergreen Content wird Ihnen stetige Affiliate-Einkommen

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Immerwährender Inhalt is a valuable part of your content strategy, and they can take many forms: how-to guides, videos, product reviews, infographics, and more. The reason they’re so valuable is that they remain relevant to your readers no matter how many months or years go by.

They are not bound by events or time periods that make the information go stale, which is why people who want to earn from affiliate programs write a lot of evergreen content.

Popular types of evergreen content include:

  • “Best of” articles
  • Buying guides
  • Anleitungen
  • Top 10 list
  • Fallstudien
  • Interviews
  • Checklists

Example titles:

  • How to Become the Most Successful Affiliate Blogger this 2017
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Taking Good HDR Photos

Chances are, you’ve been writing and reading evergreen content without even knowing it. But you knew they were valuable, so you bookmarked them for future reference. That’s what evergreen content is.

A List of Advantages You Get from Creating Evergreen Content

You get the gist. Evergreen content is the peanut butter and jelly of your affiliate marketing sandwich. But don’t take our word for it. Check out the list below and find out why focusing on evergreen content can lead to more visitors, more leads, more conversions, and more sales!

Creates Authority

Simply knowing how to do something and sharing that information online increases your popularity with people within your niche, regardless of how basic the info is. Just remember that becoming an authority doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be consistent in sharing high quality content that’s easy to understand.

Generates a Steady Stream of Traffic

Due to the timeless nature of evergreen content, they never lose their value to both old and new readers. This means that inbound traffic will always remain steady. Compared to news updates or trending posts, which elicit a spike upon publication but often trail off quickly, evergreen content is more reliable and sustainable.

 Minimizes Work

News blogs require up-to-the-minute information on the latest events. This immediate demand means typing away on your keyboard all day just to keep your head above water. Not to mention the quality of the updates also needs to be topnotch. With evergreen content, you just need to work on refining the post and it will continue to work hard in the background for years to come.

Remains ‘Share-able’ on Social Media

Evergreen content generally receives more shares than trending topics over the long run. Part of the reason is because of the ongoing value of the content, while the other factor lies in its tendency to be of higher quality, so they’re easily shared with confidence.

Creates Fresher Backlinks

Backlinks are incoming links from other web pages or websites. They’re a great indication of popularity or importance, and search engines generally sniff out content with fresh backlinks. As we’ve mentioned above, evergreen content has the potential to be share-able. If people like your posts, they may cite you as a reference in their own blog.

It is SEO Friendly

Google rewards sites that are loaded with fresh content. They understand the difference between trending articles and high-quality, in-depth guides that are meant to last. This is a great way to leverage on evergreen content. Along with the other benefits, you can also improve your site’s SEO rankings.

Advice When Using Evergreen Posts in Affiliate Marketing

If you think your evergreen posts provide great value over time, don’t let them gather dust under the hoods of your blog. You can create a section in your blog for “Recommended Reads” or “Featured Blog Posts”.

If you know how to code and you’re a whiz with photo-editing tools, you can even make your own widget:

Immerwährender Inhalt

In the sample widget I made above, you can see how beautifully the evergreen posts are presented. This helps to drive traffic back to them months or years after their initial publish date.

Make sure to include relevant links to affiliate products that you know your readers will love. Also, you may want to “cloak” the links, especially if you’re recommending more than three products in the entire post. We suggest using the ThirstyAffiliates WordPress Plugin for that.

Final Words

We know you’re itching to earn enough commissions to replace your 9 to 5 job. Heck, you can even take a vacation and still have a steady cashflow coming in without doing anything. But all that comes AFTER you’ve created a series of high quality articles for your blog – which includes plenty of evergreen content.

Also, make use of fresh, new images when promoting old blog posts. Track your progress, see what’s working (or what isn’t), and then adjust your content strategy to fit your current affiliate marketing needs.

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