Neue Statistik Add-On Version v1.2

ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate-Link Klick-Statistiken AddonTracking what clicks are happening on your affiliate links is super important for getting an overview of what links appeal most to your visitors.

You can also cross-match this click statistics data with conversions to really figure out what's working on your site.

One of the coolest add-ons for ThirstyAffiliates affiliate link manager for WordPress is the Stats add-on. It which makes tracking your affiliate link clicks a breeze.

We've already added these great features to the stats add-on:

  • Google Analytics style graphing
  • Web Crawler and Search Engine Bot blocking so it doesn't mess up your stats (as far as we know, we're the only affiliate link management plugin that does this for their stats)
  • Quick overview of link stats on your link pages
  • Reporting by Categories of links
  • and reporting on individual links

Yesterday we added one more feature to this list and that was the ability to reset your affiliate link stats. Either one by one or the whole lot which is something that our users have been asking us to implement.

So if you're thinking about buying ThirstyAffiliates, just know that your click stats are taken care of with the most advanced affiliate link click stats.

Offenlegung von Partnerlinks

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