ThirstyAffiliates vs. WP Affiliate Elite

Welcome to the latest of our product stack up posts where we put our affiliate link management plugin, ThirstyAffiliates, against other solutions made for affiliate marketers using WordPress.

Today we're going to be comparing ThirstyAffiliates with WP Affiliate Elite.

One of the things that we often find is that other link cloaking and link management solutions aren't built with the end user (busy affiliate marketers) in mind.

Comparison Categories:

  • Site License
  • Automatic updates
  • Link categorization
  • Commission protecting 301 redirection
  • Link picking tool
  • Import/Export Links into other blogs
  • Click recording
  • Statistics reporting
  • Automatic keyword linking
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Unterstützung
  • Preis

As affiliates ourselves we know what features are must-haves and what makes a tool like this great. We've been refining our tool for a number of years now and are always finding new and innovating ways to improve.

There's a lot that goes into producing a plugin like this and it's more than just adding features.

Here at ThirstyAffiliates, we pride ourselves on our customer service and try our best to ensure everyone has a good experience while using our product.

We give an industry best 60 day guarantee on our product and we take care of our customers personally when it comes to support issues rather than just sending everyone to an inactive ghost town forum.

With that all said, it's often hard to compare two products directly based on features. This is why we do the comparison across a number of categories.

So how did ThirstyAffiliates stack up against WP Affiliate Elite?

The results are in, check out how ThirstyAffiliates compares with WP Affiliate Elite:

 ThirstyAffiliatesWP Affiliate Elite
Site LicenseUnlimited sitesUnknown
Automatic updates🚫
Link categorization
Hierarchical WordPress-like categories
Commission protecting 301 redirection🚫
No. Only disguises link with javascript
Link picking tool
Full graphical tool with search, can drop in image links, standard links, and shortcode links
No. You must enter keywords to be auto-linked, doesn't support manual linking
Importing/exporting links
Uses standard WordPress import/export
Click recording
Filters web crawlers & robots
Statistics reporting
Full stats graph & dashboard to drill down into links and categories
Basic reporting of total clicks, no dashboard
Automatic keyword linking
Simply list keywords/phrases to add links around, it takes care of the rest
Doesn't support manual linking, this is the only method of linking affiliate links
Money back guarantee
60 days
Direct email support
Speak to the developers
Forum link is broken
PreisStandard $39
Premium $59
Professional $79

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