nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML. An element to instruct some search engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link’s target in the search engine’s index. For an affiliate link, nofollow will help search engines identify which links
[VIDEO] What Affiliate Link Redirect Type Should You Use When Cloaking Your Affiliate Links?
If you’re a blogger you’re probably busy working on your craft and might not actually be up with all the lingo in the affiliate marketing world. And goodness knows we have a fair bit of indecipherable jargon to get your head around! One of those things that many people don’t understand
Pourquoi devez-vous nommer et classer vos liens d'affiliation ?
Why do you need to name your affiliate link? Naming your affiliate link allows you to easily recognized what that affiliate link is for and helps you find it again later. Why would you need to categorize affiliate links? Categories are best to help identify what your affiliate is really
Quelle est la différence entre les types de redirection et quand les utiliser ?
ThirstyAffiliates has a number of different redirect types to choose from for maximum flexibility. 301 redirect – refer to permanently moving your link juice (ranking power) to the new URL. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect, it tells the browser this resource has moved to this location. The browser
Qu'est-ce qu'une URL masquée ?
L'URL masquée est une redirection locale qui envoie l'utilisateur à l'URL de destination mais vous permet de partager une URL plus courte et plus conviviale avec vos lecteurs. Quelle est la différence entre Masked URL et Cloaked URL ? L'URL masquée consiste à cacher complètement l'URL, souvent en utilisant du javascript pour masquer l'URL.
Puis-je utiliser ThirstyAffiliates pour gérer un programme d'affiliation sur ma boutique ?
Non, ThirstyAffiliates n'est pas l'outil qu'il vous faut. ThirstyAffiliates est un plugin permettant à vos affiliés de gérer leurs liens d'affiliation à partir de tous les programmes d'affiliation auxquels ils appartiennent (y compris le vôtre). Il ne s'agit pas d'un outil permettant aux propriétaires de magasins de gérer leur propre programme d'affiliation. Un excellent outil qui
Entretien avec un affilié : Jansie Blom
Welcome to another interview with an affiliate! Every now and then we post our chats with the affiliate marketers that catch our eye doing something unique or noteworthy that others could learn from. Today’s guest is Jansie Blom and he definitely fits that description. He runs a site called Rasp
Comment fonctionne la transmission de chaînes de caractères pour les requêtes
As of ThirstyAffiliates 3.0, we have introduced a new feature called Query String Passing. You can enable it on a global basis: Or on a per-link override basis: How It Works Query strings are those little bits of extra information on the end of links that you see sometimes like:
Mon lien de téléchargement a expiré, puis-je télécharger à nouveau le plugin ?
The download link found in your invoice email will only last for a certain time before they expire. Once expired you will not be able to use this link to download the plugin again. Instead, you can access the latest version of ThirstyAffiliates Pro plugin at any time by logging into
Comment récupérer et activer ma clé de licence ?
HOW TO RETRIEVE MY LICENSE KEY? ThirstyAffiliates Pro customers are issued with a unique license key on purchase. ThirtyAffiliates plugin requires an activation license key in order for your automatic plugin upgrades to work. As long as your license key is active, you can find it from your account page