Should You Spend $500 For Your Website Logo?

Website logos are the first thing that any aspiring business owner has to create when starting a business. Website logos are an important tool with which to market your brand to the public, making your business more visible to a large audience.

Logos are what make your business unique and stand out among a plethora of businesses, and placing your logo on your products and services distinguishes yours from the rest of theirs. Let's admit it, however, that creating a site web logo can be pretty expensive.

There are basically two types of logos: logotype and graphic icon.

A logotype is your business name, which means this logo is simply your business name. Large brands such as Coca-Cola, Acer, Asus, Dell, Binatone and Kia use their business names as their logos.

A custom graphic icon is a symbol or picture that is uniquely yours that you use to identify your business, products, and services. Examples of brands that use customer graphic icons as logos are Apple, Microsoft, Pepsi, McDonald's, and a host of other business and companies.

Website logos have their advantages and disadvantages, as is the case with everything. Some people may opt for a website logo, while others may feel it is an unnecessary extravagance. While the advantages outweigh disadvantages, it is necessary to know why you might think that a website logo isn't much of a big deal.

Advantages Of A Website Logo

  • They are designed with your business in mind, which means that your logo reflects what your business is about. Once customers see your logo, they immediately identify with your business. A restaurant logo and a software company logo should be distinct enough to give the customer an idea of what your business does.
  • A good website logo helps you develop a unique identity for your business. With all the completion out there, your business needs to stand out and show that you are different from the rest.
  • A website logo allows you to target your audience and promote your business with professionalism. A business without a logo may seem odd to potential customers, but having a logo will project you as a professional and make your target audience take you more seriously.
  • A good logo lasts for years, without you having to change it in any way. Look at McDonald's for example. Their logo hasn't changed in over four decades, and it is still very recognisable and alway identifies with customers. A good logo isn't something to put a price on because it is what helps to sell your brand to the many people out there who are just swimming with potential customers.
  • If you already have a design in mind making a logo can be quite easy and be done for $200 or less


Disadvantages Of A Website Logo

  • It takes a lot of time to make a logo. A lot of thought and research on the part of the designer has to go into designing the perfect logo for your business.
  • Website logos cost a lot of money. The best website logos cannot be had for less than $500 if you want it done by a professional web designer.
  • If you want a logo that will last for ages, you have to go for the best, and the best is expensive.

Website Logo

Must You Get a Website Logo for $500?

Well, no, you don't. But this is what you will get if you ask a professional web designer for their services. There is actually no universal price for how much designing web logos costs, but they are usually around that range of $500.

If you are wondering why a website logo with a simple-looking design should cost you $500 or more, you have to consider the following:

  1. They are professionals. Designing is what they do, it is their trade. Of course, it will be expensive.
  2. They actually went to school to study this. Yes, there are some who are naturally gifted, by graphic design is a course taught in schools, and people train and study for years to perfect it. Thus, their services cannot come cheap.
  3. The tools for web design and graphic design are expensive. They need a lot of expensive tools and software, and even the laptops they use are expensive because they have to have slightly different or highly improved features than other laptops.
  4. Designing a logo needs a lot of research. First, the designer needs to understand your business and get a feel for what you do. Using this knowledge, they now have to search for the perfect icon, art, or graphic; they need to find the colours that perfectly match what your business stands for; they need to determine the perfect image quality, and the list goes on.
  5. Designing a website logo takes a lot of time and resources. When you pay for a graphic designer's services, you are also paying for their time. All that research they do requires hours and hours, so much so that, depending on what you want, they can't even give you a specific date for when they will finish the work. They also use a lot of resources at their disposal, most of which are not free for them and, as such, not free for you either.


When you consider all of this, you can see that designing the perfect website logo is a lot of work. If your budget can't fit in a five-hundred-dollar logo, you can always contract a designer who can make one for you for less than $200.

Many designers advise against this, but ultimately the choice is yours. If you don't mind changing your logo every few years, then you can get a cheaper logo for your online business. Sometimes it helps if you already have a design in mind. You can give this to the designer in detail, reducing the amount of time, research and resources they may need to make your logo.

Nevertheless, the best logos are more expensive, but go with suits your business and budget best!


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