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  4. How To Retrieve Your Amazon Associates Tracking ID

How To Retrieve Your Amazon Associates Tracking ID

If you're an Amazon affiliate and you don't already have a copy of ThirstyAffiliates Pro, you should definitely check it out. It will change the way you use Amazon as an affiliate.

If you're reading this, then it's likely that you already own the ThirstyAffiliates Pro and want to know how to get your Amazon Associates Tracking ID.

Members of the Amazon Associates program (what Amazon calls their affiliate program) are given a Tracking ID code to use in their product links to identify you to their system so that you get credited for any sales.

How To Retrieve Your Amazon Tracking Tag

Getting the tracking ID is quite simple. But we'll also show you how to create additional tracking IDs in case you wish to use a new one.

NOTE: You will need to repeat this process for each Amazon store you are an affiliate for (Amazon runs their associates program separately for each store region).

Step 1

Go to the Amazon Associates Program home page and log in to your account. For the purposes of this tutorial, we assume you are already an approved Amazon affiliate.


Step 2

You can view your Tracking ID in the drop-down on the top left of the screen.

You can stop here if you are happy using your default Tracking ID. Enter this code in your Amazon Importing settings under the ThirstyAffiliates >Settings page.

If you wish to manage your Tracking IDs (or create new ones) you can do so by clicking on the “manage” link next to the Tracking ID select box.

Retrieve your Tracking ID

Step 3

If you want to use another Tracking ID on your account or create a new Tracking ID you can click the “manage” link as shown in the previous step.

Once on that management page, you can see all your Tracking IDs or add a new one by clicking Add Tracking ID.

Add or manage your tracking IDs

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