Como entrar em contato com influenciadores

como entrar em contato com influenciadores

There’s a ton of work involved in creating a successful online business, especially when it comes to building affiliate links that actually convert. But one method many small business owners are finding success with these days is influencer marketing — a great way to help your business reach the masses quickly and affordably.

Mas encontrar e conseguir influenciadores, especialmente influenciadores populares, pode ser uma tarefa difícil. Como você encontra influenciadores? Como entrar em contato com eles?

In this post, we’ll share with you a few tips on how to reach out to influencers (and interact effectively with them) so you can build the kinds of relationships that will ultimately help you promote your business.

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O que é um influenciador?

Though it can be a brand or business, in most cases an influencer is an individual who has a large and highly engaged following. This following can be through the influencer’s blog or social media profiles as well as offline. In any case, influencers have massive sway when it comes to their followers’ purchasing decisions. 

Influencers have this power because they’ve established themselves as authorities in a specific field and have built trust with their following. Therefore, when an influencer recommends or promotes a product or service, their followers trust their judgment and are more likely to buy. 

Como é um bom influenciador?

When it comes to your business, you don’t want to work with just anyone. And that counts for influencers, as well. There are a number of different qualidades que você deve procurar ao buscar influenciadores and deciding whether they’re the right fit for your business. Following are a few of the most important.

  • Valores compartilhados. Anyone you work with, whether an influencer, business partner, or even staff, should have goals and values that align with yours. Pay attention to potential influencers’ posts and content to make sure the things they say, the way they say them, and the products and ideas they promote fall in line with your values.
  • Integridade. There are many influencers out there who are simply in it for a quick buck. Although they may have a large following, a closer look will reveal that they don’t care much about the products they promote. You want to find influencers who are authentic and genuinely lutar para oferecer valor aos seus seguidores. Você também quer ter certeza de que esses influenciadores têm a confiança de seus públicos e que podem realmente influenciá-los a agir com sua marca.
  • Confiabilidade. Certifique-se de que você pode confiar em um influenciador em potencial antes de assumir um projeto com ele. Pesquise campanhas anteriores das quais o influenciador participou e observe como ele promoveu o produto. Quanto esforço ele dedicou à promoção? As postagens foram consistentes? As postagens foram completas e atenciosas ou genéricas?
  • Consistência. You definitely don’t want to work with an influencer who never creates content unless they have a campaign to promote. Seek out influencers who post regularly and who are consistent in the timing and quality of their posts.

Dicas para entrar em contato com influenciadores

Reaching out to influencers doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. Following are a few tips to help you out as you get started.

Aprenda sobre eles primeiro

Para criar uma conexão estável com um influenciador e tornar seu argumento de venda mais memorável, aprenda algumas coisas sobre ele antes de entrar em contato. Iniciar contato com um influenciador simplesmente porque ele tem um grande número de seguidores pode facilmente ser uma perda de tempo para ambos. 

Approach an individual because you notice how excellent their photo quality is, you love a series they have on their social media, they write great captions, or they have a star quality about them that you really appreciate. Then tell them about it! This will show that you’ve taken notice of their value and that you’re interested in a partnership because of its potential benefit to both of you.

Interaja nas mídias sociais.

One of the best ways to attract and engage with potential influencers is to interact with them on social media. When an influencer notices that you’re liking, sharing, and engaging with their content, they’ll be more open to hearing from you about a possible collaboration.

Seja breve e gentil.

Your initial communications with influencers shouldn’t be long-winded. That initial pitch, whether via direct message or email, should be short, sweet, and to the point, so the influencer can get the information they need to move forward without having to invest too much time. Remember, influencers are busy people, and they don’t have time to sort through a long, drawn-out email or direct message.

Definir claramente os objetivos e as recompensas.

Before and while you’re reaching out to influencers, make sure you both clearly understand the metas que sua empresa tem para trabalhar em conjunto. Seja também muito claro sobre como o influenciador será recompensado ou remunerado por seu trabalho.

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Considerações finais

Influencer marketing is a rapidly-growing method with high impact, and it can deliver a great ROI. When you take the time to find the right influencers to work on your promotional campaigns, you’ve got a great chance of achieving success.

Você já usou o marketing de influenciadores? Tem dúvidas sobre como entrar em contato com os influenciadores? Deixe-nos saber nos comentários!

Além disso, para saber mais sobre marketing de influência, confira nossas postagens sobre conteúdo que funciona melhor para seu programa, se o marketing de afiliados funciona sem um sitee como as comissões de afiliados são pagas.

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