Artigos de blog sazonais: Sua arma secreta de marketing de afiliados

sazonalWhen it comes to affiliate marketing, you can never have enough in your content creation arsenal. From product reviews, deal roundups, to email courses, you need to try everything to see what creates the best results for your site.

Different types of content, for example, generate different results. But one type of content that’s proven to work repeatedly for businesses and affiliate marketers are ‘seasonal blog articles’.

What are Seasonal Blog Articles?

Just as there are seasons, there are also seasonal blog articles. Basically, any kind of content is considered ‘seasonal’ if it’s themed around a particular season or helps readers take more advantage of an event.

Seasonal posts consist of two types: time-based e event-based.

Time-based posts are created in anticipation of the regular seasons of the year (e.g. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall).

Event-based posts are meant for more specific occasions, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or the 4th of July. Articles that are related to bank holidays can also be considered event-based since they are specifically focused.

Note: There can be some overlap between these two types. If you want to write about a particular day caught in both seasons, you’ll still need to decide which type you’re targeting.

Why is Seasonal Content Useful?

If done right, seasonal content can work wonders for your site. Just make sure it’s well-thought-out and implemented as part of a larger content strategy.

What you can get from seasonal articles…

  1. A chance to promote your affiliate products in a natural and effective way.
  2. Increases your authority by providing audience with highly relevant posts; this adds value to your content while at the same time creating a genuine buzz with them.
  3. Gives people the perception that you (or your site) is current and helpful enough to want to share information regarding seasons that matter to them.

Seasonal vs Evergreen Content

Some people will argue that seasonal and evergreen content are very similar to each other in that they are always useful to readers. While that perception is true, there are still definitive differences between these two types. Let’s take a look at what those differences are:

  • Conteúdo perene isn’t affected by seasonal changes. It also doesn’t rely on news or events that eventually lose their relevance. For example, an article on choosing the right shoes for work is not subject to seasonal changes and isn’t based on recent developments. Presumably, it will stay relevant for as long as shoes remain a basic need.
  • Seasonal content, on the other hand, will decrease or increase in relevance. Some will have a definitive end point and some will only be relevant for recurring holidays, seasons, or events. For example, “Best SEO Practices of 2017” is a title of a seasonal blog article that will no longer be useful as soon as 2017 ends. This is what’s called a “quick-decay” content. An example title for a “true” seasonal article is “20 Ways to Spruce Up Your Spring Wardrobe”.

Affiliate Marketing and Seasonal Trends

Your seasonal articles will get more and more traffic as the target event draws near. So why not take advantage of this trend to generate more sales from your affiliate programs?

There are countless ways you can do this, which is why it isn’t an exaggeration to say that seasonal blog articles ARE your affiliate marketing strategy’s secret weapon.

If you’re a blogger, the following titles have the potential to click with your readers:

“50 Trendy Holidays Gifts That Are Guaranteed to Make Him Fall for You”

“The 5 Best Cameras for Spring Break and Where to Buy Them”

“How to Write Content for Thanksgiving That People Will Gobble Up”

“Planting the Seeds to Grow Your Audience this Spring”

“9 Tips to Increase Your Sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday”

Everybody’s Doing It

Because seasonal blog articles are so effective, you’ll face a lot of competition. Everyone who is in the same business you are will be posting content during these events, so it’s essential that you make your articles stand out.

How do you do that, you ask?

Simple. Just make sure you know your audience. From what makes them happy, nostalgic, concerned, or even sad. Think about what you can offer to them that will augment positive feelings or reduce their unwanted emotions.

Originality is important, too. If you’re crafting a seasonal article, take a look at what’s already been done and take a different approach. Overused images, repetitive topics, and monotonous headlines will only encourage people to keep scrolling through their feeds. Why should your post be any different? It will be when it’s unique and connects with people on a personal level.

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