Hoy más que nunca, los compradores realizan sus compras por Internet. Se calcula que en 2021 más de dos mil millones de personas will purchase products and services online. That’s up by around 500 million in the last five years.
What does this mean? That there’s ample opportunity for every business to find customers willing to spend money with you. Companies both great and small recognize this, and that’s where the downside comes in – competition in the online world is fierce.
Markets are crowded, and consumers increasingly struggle to weed out the good from the bad. As such, it’s becoming difficult for businesses to make their mark in online markets. So what can you do about it?
Enter niche marketing. By making use of more closely defined, intimate market niches, you’re more likely to find success online.
This guide will give you an understanding of niche marketing – and the niche research you’ll need to carry out to strike gold for your business. Whether you’re trying to establish an sitio web afiliado o intentar rentabilizar una afición, este artículo es una lectura esencial.
¿Qué es un nicho?
Let’s start simple. What is a niche? In marketing circles, a niche refers to a specialized segment of a larger market. It has its own identity that separates it from the rest of the market in some way.
¿Qué tal un ejemplo? Una empresa busca un app para llamadas de grupo para permitir videollamadas entre personal remoto. Existen algunas opciones gratuitas, pero limitan la duración de las llamadas o el número de participantes. Naturalmente, esto es problemático.
This need creates a niche since the wider market doesn’t offer an acceptable solution. To fill it, a service provider could create a video conferencing tool that provides limit-free group calls. This renders other options obsolete for this specific type of consumer.
By aggressively pursuing a niche market, a business can extract market share that wouldn’t have been accessible to them otherwise.
¿Por qué son importantes los nichos de mercado?
Some people struggle with the idea of niches. They think by limiting the number of people you’re targeting, you’re limiting your business’s profitability. That’s not the case.
When niche marketing is carried out effectively, it allows you to build brand recognition and credibility. Once you’re more well-established, it’s possible to pivot into new market niches, and you stand a much better chance of making an impact on the wider market.
Certainly, it’s far more sensible than mindlessly blasting out publicidad directa o haciendo llamadas en frío a consumidores desinteresados del mercado en general. Estas herramientas se utilizan mejor con matices. En estos casos, tiene más sentido ser un pez grande en un estanque pequeño que un pez pequeño en un océano bullicioso.
Cómo identificar un nicho
It’s clear that niches offer a real opportunity for profit-making, but how do you settle on the one that’s right for you? You’ll need to carry out extensive research to assess the feasibility of a niche, and there are a few characteristics you ought to look for.
Building a business takes time, energy, and money – sometimes, lots of money! It’s equally demanding setting up your business to operate in a niche. Accordingly, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to tune up your business in this way if the niche you’re selecting isn’t sustainable.
Las manías y modas pasajeras pierden popularidad rápidamente y le dejan a usted con una imagen disminuida. público destinatario. This doesn’t mean there isn’t money to make, but it brings into question the practicality of the venture.
Comportamiento del consumidor
Some people mistake audience size with profit potential. This is always a mistake. Just because your niche has a large audience, doesn’t mean they’re likely to shell out their cash. You need to be sure the consumers you’re dealing with are happy to spend.
Are you solving a painful, urgent problem for them? If you’re answering a need that is dire enough, they’ll respond with their wallets. If not, this isn’t the niche you should be targeting.
Mercado Ocupación
Niche markets are attractive, in part, because they have reduced competition. Even so, that doesn’t mean you’ll be operating with total freedom. In fact, if a niche doesn’t have some existing competition, this might raise doubts about its profitability.
Finding a sweet spot can be challenging, but it is possible. Ideally, you’re looking for a niche that is beginning to flourish but has not yet reached the mainstream consciousness. Establishing yourself as one of the early actors gives you a chance to forge an authoritative reputation before things get more crowded.
Estrategias de investigación de nichos
Now that you know what you’re looking for, how are you supposed to identify these qualities? Below, we’ve compiled some niche research strategies to find the best opportunities. From redes sociales y SEO research to monetization evaluations and competition analysis, we’ve got you covered.
Evalúe sus puntos fuertes
If you’re going to try your luck with a niche, it might be best to pick something you have an existing interest in. Being knowledgeable about a niche gives you a distinct advantage when it comes to uncovering gaps in the market. It means you’ll have a better understanding of indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPI).
Y lo que es más importante, significa que debe ser capaz de superar los momentos más difíciles, cuando parece que la empresa no va a tener éxito. Esto es algo que la mayoría de los empresarios experimentan en un momento u otro.
Búsqueda de palabras clave
¿Sabías que 51% de compradores use Google to research the purchases they’re planning? That’s an incredible number. Billions of product and service searches are completed every year, and you need to take advantage.
There’s a wealth of data out there, so use it. Platforms such as Moz can offer insights into people’s searches in the wider market. This can help you to identify potential niches.
Busca por empresas de videoconferenciaPor ejemplo, aparecen resultados relacionados con plataformas especializadas para personas mayores. Otros buscan soluciones educativas. Son nichos que puede merecer la pena perseguir para este tipo de empresas.
Analice a sus rivales
Once you have a niche in mind, you need to have a clear idea of how you’re going to make money from it. You might have some already – programas de afiliación and advertising come to mind – but crystal clear clarity is what you require. Your competition is a good place to start your assessment.
Utilizando plataformas como Ahrefs, you can gain access to the highest-ranking (i.e. most successful) content in your niche. Once you know who you’re competing with, you can explore their monetization methods.
Affiliate links and ads are a fine choice, though other businesses also sell their products and services directly to their audience. Naturally, the type of business you’re running will have an impact on how you generate revenue.
Evaluating your competition won’t only show you what’s successful in a niche but help you identify gaps they’ve not monetized yet.
Exponga sus argumentos
After learning about the niche you’re going to target, you need to come up with a plan of action. What unique selling points can you offer? Which problem are you solving for your audience? Much like a startup that offers horario de trabajo flexible to lure talent from larger organizations, you need to find a way to set yourself apart, particularly if you’re a newcomer.
¿Ofrece información especializada y recomendaciones de productos? Evaluaciones técnicas especializadas de software de reuniones en línea or cloud storage? How about physical products? It doesn’t matter. Either way, the marketing strategies you use need to emphasize why your business is worthwhile.
La oportunidad llama a la puerta
La principal ventaja de un nicho de mercado es que se puede ganar mucho dinero sin tener que luchar todo el tiempo contra los grandes. Encontrar un nicho rentable, sin embargo, es algo que muchas empresas no consiguen, pero con algunas ideas claras y una investigación definida, puedes dar los pasos adecuados.
Leverage niche research. Expose market gaps, assess your competition, and exploit what they’re missing. Do it properly, and your success is assured.
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