4 errores mortales de un vendedor afiliado

Primeros pasos con marketing de afiliación is not a hard nut to crack. But, it’s quite easy to make mistakes as well. There’s absolutely no doubt thatafiliados-errores errores becoming an affiliate marketer is a surefire way of making money online. Whether it’s the USA, the UK or other developed countries of the world, the size of the affiliate marketing industry is on the rise continuously. In the USA alone, around 20%-30% of all e-commerce sales are affiliate marketing-driven.

Si está planeando entrar en el campo del marketing de afiliación y desea alcanzar el éxito lo antes posible, debería evitar estos errores mortales.

#1. Desesperación por ganar dinero
Regardless of where you are or what you want to do, desperation can easily get you into trouble. The same goes with affiliate marketing. If you are desperate to make lots of money overnight, you won’t be able to avoid the pitfalls of this internet marketing industry. When you are desperate, you might end up choosing the wrong types of affiliate programs or products to promote. Affiliate marketing does ganar dinero. But it doesn’t happen overnight!

#2. Falta de activos de contenido
Have you ever wondered why most of the affiliate marketing websites don’t appear at the top of Google search results? Well, there’s a simple reason – lack of top quality content. If you site is there only to promote affiliate products, you need to pay careful attention. In order to make the most of your affiliate marketing efforts, you must feature real content on your site.

Google has great respect for its users. If your affiliate site doesn’t offer value-added content to users, Google won’t like to include your site’s pages in its search engine results pages.

If your affiliate marketing efforts are failing to make a cut, it’s time to have a closer look at the kind of content you have on your site. Identify the critical content issues and the weak links. Get ready to offer real value to your site visitors. They will trust you and be willing to buy the products you recommend.

#3. Empezar demasiado tarde con la creación de listas de correo electrónico
One of the most common mistakes that most of the affiliate marketers make is that they start too late with building their email list. With Google algorithmic updates becoming more and more frequent, it’s important to start building your email list as soon as you launch your site.

Nunca se sabe lo que la próxima actualización de Google puede tener reservado para usted. Si su sitio está recibiendo una buena cantidad de tráfico en este momento, usted debe utilizar esta oportunidad de manera efectiva para hacer su lista de correo electrónico lo más abultada posible. Con el fin de construir su lista de correo electrónico rápidamente, usted puede ofrecer una guía de descarga gratuita en forma de un libro electrónico en su sitio.

#4. Abandonar el juego con demasiada facilidad
There’s no guarantee that you’ll achieve success with your first attempt. You need to test the waters and get your hands dirty before you have learnt the essential tips and tricks of the trade. Most of the affiliate marketers give up very early or too easily. Even if you fail in your first attempt, you should stick there, evaluate what worked and what didn’t, ajuste su estrategia y vuelve a empezar. Y entonces, el éxito estará justo a tus pies.

To become a successful affiliate marketer, you should look at this method of online marketing as a trial-and-error process. None of today’s affiliate marketers or super affiliates have achieved success without making mistakes. But they were smart enough to learn from their mistakes!

Are you making these mistakes as an affiliate marketer? If yes, it’s time to correct yourself and fine-tune your strategy.

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