Guía del vendedor afiliado: Cómo escribir un impresionante resumen de productos


As a blogger and website owner, there’s always a secret weapon you can unleash that attracts plenty of inbound, organic traffic: a roundup post. Roundup posts can take a variety of forms, but they share the following advantages:

  • Añaden contenido de calidad superior a su sitio web
  • Tienen el atractivo de recopilar lo mejor de los mejores productos para tipos específicos de personas
  • They add to your blog’s appearance of authority
  • Generan una cantidad impresionante de ventas a partir de programas de afiliación

For the reasons stated above, writing a product roundup every couple of weeks is a great idea. But to get the most out of it, there’s a catch: deben hacerse bien. De lo contrario, corres el riesgo de parecer un completo idiota al que sólo le gusta hablar de productos aleatorios en un largo post.

Escribir pensando en el comprador

Un error que cometen a menudo los blogueros al crear artículos de resumen de productos es escribir contenidos con todo el mundo en mente. Desgraciadamente, todo el mundo es un público demasiado amplio para escribir y obtener los resultados deseados.

Si desea maximizar las ventas y atraer tráfico relevante para tu post, investiga más sobre tu cliente ideal y cuáles son sus necesidades. ¿En qué les ayudarían los productos de tu post? ¿Qué deseos cumplirían los productos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que debes hacerte antes de lanzarte a escribir.

La estructura de un buen resumen de productos

Whether you’re an appliance reviewer or a fashion blogger, the basic elements needed to write an awesome product roundup remains the same. Below are the markers of quality that should serve as your guide when writing roundup posts:

Un titular de muerte

Headlines matter A LOT. A great headline convinces people to read your post while a poor one sends potential buyers to spend their money elsewhere. David Ogilvy, founder of Ogilvy & Mather, once said:

“It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.”

Recurso útil: 5 trucos fáciles para escribir titulares atractivos

Una introducción reflexiva

You’ll want to frame the main idea of the post in a way that appeals to your target audience. For example, if you’re writing a product roundup of the best waterproof digital cameras for scuba divers, mention in the introduction how nice it would be to capture vivid images of their deep-sea adventures.

Another good approach is to open the post with an interesting fact or statistic that’s relevant to your target audience.

Recurso útil: How To Write Irresistible Blog Post Introductions That’ll Keep Your Readers Reading

Una interesante gama de productos

Don’t be afraid to include unique items in the roundup. Promoting popular and well-known brands may be a safe bet, but readers will also appreciate the addition of uncommon or rare items, too.

Ejemplo de una gama de productos variada: Acurrúcate con los mejores artilugios para dormir que el dinero puede comprar

Potentes descripciones de productos

La forma de describir el producto desempeña un papel importante a la hora de convencer a los lectores para que lo compren. Puedes ceñirte directamente a los hechos y esperar que la información por sí sola les convenza, o puedes apelar a sus emociones y hacerles ver cómo la posesión del producto cambiará sus vidas.

Kissmetrics talks about using descriptive words with emotional resonance to boost your blog posts’ conversion rates. Below are suggested phrases taken from the article that create an emotional response from readers:

  • Disfruta del delicioso aroma – our sense of smell is powerfully connected to memory and emotion. Use this phrase when you want evoke feelings of happiness from your readers.
  • Es para ti – make your statements as personal as possible.
  • Sea cual sea el sistema que elija – this tells readers that they are in control, which inspires a sense of freedom of choice
  • Su bebida favorita – the words “your” and “favorite” are emotionally powerful words.
  • Confort – the dictionary definition of “comfort” is: a consolation; something relieving suffering or worry. This word is effective for household products.
  • Perfect and simple – this phrase is great for people who prefer straightforward products that won’t intimidate or confuse them.

The article also mentions the importance of ‘talking to your customer’ as if they were in front of you. While this practice may require a little more creativity on your part, it will help you to incorporate your intent more effectively and convince them to make a purchase.

Centrarse en la solución, no en los productos

Talking about how wonderful the product is will still produce good results, but not as good compared to highlighting its problem-solving qualities. That’s because most inventions were created to address common issues.

If you want to create an awesome roundup post, focus on how owning the product will indeed make life easier and more enjoyable. That way, you’ll sound less like a salesman and more like a friend to your readers.

Do you have ideas you’d like to share? Drop them below in the comments section. We’d love to hear them!

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3 pensamientos en "Affiliate Marketer’s Guide: How to Write an Awesome Product Roundup"

  1. Me encanta el artículo, y centrarse en la solución de su producto afiliado resuelve es uno de los mejores consejos que he visto por ahí, me gustaría que más gente lo tomaría

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