El kit de herramientas del vendedor afiliado: ¿Qué necesita para empezar?

herramientas de marketing en internet

Cualquier vendedor afiliado que llegó a ser acertado en el negocio en línea ha utilizado las herramientas que las ayudaron a alcanzar sus metas. Con el fin de ser un éxito, también debe tener las herramientas adecuadas para el comercio. Estas son importantes si quieres establecer un excelente flujo de trabajo con tu proceso de marketing.

Herramientas básicas del marketing de afiliación

Si un carpintero necesita su martillo y sus clavos para empezar un proyecto, tú también debes tener las herramientas básicas para empezar el marketing de afiliación.

  • Web fija Alojamiento Servicio – this is the most basic tool to have in order to become a successful affiliate marketer. You must have a website to get the most from affiliate marketing – this is where the links of the products and services you promote are placed.” . This is where the links of the products or services you promote are placed. You can use free alojamiento como WordPress.com (https://wordpress.com/) o Tumblr (https://www.tumblr.com/), pero suelen tener restricciones en cuanto a la publicidad, por lo que tu potencial de ingresos es limitado. En su lugar, puedes empezar con un alojamiento en el que puede . También existe el alojamiento compartido, en el que puede compartir espacio en un servidor con otras personas. Tenga lo que tenga en mente, elija siempre el que más le convenga.
  • Nicho o producto a promocionar – it’s important that you know what kind of products you are willing to promote. Otherwise you will end up trying to sell everything. Find one that you can work with and start from there.
  • Sistema de gestión de contenidos – most website start empty so filling it up with contents related to what you are promoting is important. You can also start from scratch with HTML just like how old school websites are made or you can choose a central interface that allows you to edit, add content and publish blogs. Among the most popular content management systems used these days is WordPress. Why? For one it is free so you don’t need to pay anything and two, it’s easy to use once you get the hang of it. You can edit everything with just a click of a button!
  • Optimización de motores de búsqueda o SEO – for someone starting out, SEO can be a complex thing to tackle but there are plenty of tools that can help you manage it so don’t worry if you don’t know anything about this. You can learn 80% of what you need to know about SEO by following one of the many good SEO guides out there, such as this one from Moz. También tiene la opción de trabajar con un experto en SEO que le ayude a dirigir visitantes a su sitio.
  • Editor de contenidos – besides content management system, adding content editor to your list of tools to use is also a must. WordPress también tiene un editor de contenidos que puede utilizar, pero si desea algunas funciones adicionales a utilizar entonces hay plugins para que también.
  • Servicio de correo electrónico y autorespondedor – email marketing is an important part of affiliate marketing and so you need an email service for this one. Email service providers like Gmail, MailChimp etc. are good examples of services you can have but you can also choose one you like. Just make sure that these are reliable providers so you can avoid delays in the future.
  • Acortador de enlaces – this tool is optional as you can choose to use this or not. However if you wish to shorten your website's links in order for it to be less “overwhelming” for your visitors, this tool can do it for you. You can learn more about it through ThristryAffiliates y obtenga más información sobre las herramientas para su negocio de marketing de afiliación.

4 tácticas de marketing para mejorar las ventas

Aunque existen multitud de herramientas, mantener el ritmo puede resultar complicado. El marketing de afiliación es siempre una actividad en constante cambio y hay que mantener el flujo adecuado para que sus visitantes sigan llegando si desea obtener ventas. He aquí cuatro tácticas de marketing que puede aplicar para mantener su sitio expuesto y reunir a más compradores potenciales:

  • Marketing de artículos – this one is a popular method used by plenty of affiliates that is proven to be effective. Through article marketing, you are creating an image of being a reliable source in your niche. This also gives you the chance to get high ranking among search engines by increasing the number of traffic and links to your site. Make sure to create original articles and contents for this campaign as it can help your visibility.
  • Marketing por correo electrónico – staying in touch with your visitors is important and so sending out emails must also be included. Know that not a lot of people will buy products you recommend to them until they hear from you so it is crucial to offer your visitors email subscriptions or newsletters about the products you are promoting. This will give them better view not only on the product you are promoting but also the marketer.
  • Sitios de anuncios gratuitos – there are plenty of sites that allow you to place banners and links for free. Marketers can earn money from them every time an ad is clicked on. You can also check out  Google Adsense, Media.net and BuySellAds.com as they are the best when it come to this.
  • Publicidad de pago – this is when the call-to-action graphics, messages and copy headlines work together for visitors to click the ad and purchase the item.

Cómo crecer como vendedor afiliado con el tiempo

Aunque las herramientas que he mencionado son importantes, también es mejor que sepas cómo seguir reinventándote como afiliado. Hacerlo puede ayudarte a mejorar tanto tus conocimientos como tus ventas a largo plazo. Entonces, ¿cómo puedes hacerlo? ¿Cómo convertirse en un mejor vendedor afiliado? Aquí tienes cinco consejos que puedes seguir:

  1. Conozca siempre su nicho – keep in mind that without your niche, you will never be successful. Although you might be tempted to try and sell everything at first, I recommend that you focus only on one. Know what the needs of this niche are and concentrate on selling them the specific products that they are looking for. Work and promote products or services that are related to it.
  2. Don’t stop marketing – just because your first tactics work, that doesn't mean you should stop from there. Since you need traffic to your site, it is most excellent to keep it flowing by staying visible online. Your presence in social media as well as search engines is important too. Using the best SEO practices as well as marketing your blog is the way to go. Always make sure that you land on the search engine’s results page so you know that your content is related to the user’s searches.
  3. Elija el programa de afiliación perfecto – there are tons of affiliate programs you could work with out there but it is always important to choose the right one. There are also services that you can use to further promote and sell products but while this is a good option to take, always bear in mind to research first so you know which affiliate program works best for you too.
  4. Conozca a su público – besides knowing your niche, it is also essential that you get to know your audience. Providing them with the wrong products can lead to failure and so you must know which category your audience belong to. This way it is easier to provide them with the things they need.
  5. Las cosas llevan su tiempo, así que tenga paciencia. – I know that waiting for results is not always a fun experience but if you could, always extend your patience. Don’t lose hope because these things take time. Just keep in mind that if others made it this far then so can you. So have patient, that’s all you really need.

Yes everything you need is out there and ready to be used. All you need to do right now is to start. It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you keep going. If you need any help then you will have it, just be ready and know which ones work best.


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