Link Fixer module will make sure your visitors will never see an out-of-date affiliate link. This document will show you how to use this module on your site. How Does the Link Fixer Module Work? Link Fixer is a tiny piece of JavaScript code that runs on the front end
¿Qué hace Abrir en ventana nueva?
¿Por qué abrir en una ventana nueva? Abrir en ventana nueva permite a los visitantes permanecer en su sitio web cuando hacen clic en un enlace. Esto ayuda a mantener a la gente en su sitio al mantenerlo abierto en la pestaña anterior. ¿Cuándo se debe utilizar Abrir en ventana nueva? Es lo mejor
Guía de los mejores programas de afiliados: Encuentre programas de afiliados para su nicho
Bienvenido a nuestro directorio de programas de afiliación Antes de empezar, echa un vistazo a este vídeo sobre cómo encontrar los mejores programas de afiliación en cualquier nicho. Una de las grandes cosas que sentimos que ha faltado en la industria del marketing de afiliación es una sola lista autorizada de los mejores programas de afiliación en cualquier nicho.
Cómo rastrear las estadísticas de Geo IP cuando Cloudflare está activado
Cloudflare masks the IP address of the user and moves it to another HTTP header. To make it compatible with ThirstyAffiliate’s stats collection module you will need to add the following snippet of code to your functions.php file or a drop-in plugin. function ta_cloudflare_ip_compatibility( $ip ) { if ( !
Cómo añadir cabeceras HTTP Noindex a los redireccionamientos de enlaces de afiliados
Google sometimes doesn’t view rel=”noindex” as a valid way to tell if the page should be shown in their index or not. The newest and most reliable way to ensure that your affiliate links are not indexed is by adding noindex to the HTTP response headers during redirection. This snippet
How to Make Money by Joining a VPN Affiliate Program
What is a VPN Affiliate Program? A VPN, or virtual private network, helps keep internet use safe, secure, and private. A customer signs up for a monthly fee, and the VPN hides their IP address from websites and email. In essence, a VPN makes an internet connection more secure and
Cómo instalar y activar Thirsty Affiliates Pro para Multisite
WordPress Multisite allows you to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. If you’re running ThirstyAffiliates and ThirstyAffiliates Pro on a Multisite, then it’s important to know how to properly install, activate and update them. Installation On Multisite To install the ThirstyAffiliates and ThirstyAffiliates Pro plugins, the
Cómo evitar que los enlaces de afiliados se indexen en los motores de búsqueda
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is important for any blog or website. That’s why ThirstyAffiliates provide features to add additional rel tags to your affiliate links so you can control additional attributes about those links. While we have a dedicated option for “nofollow” that doesn’t always stop your links getting
Límite de la API de publicidad de productos de Amazon
Please be aware that there has been a recent change of implementation regarding Amazon’s Product Advertising API limit. According to Amazon Product Advertising API document, the allowed initial usage limit per day is 8640 requests and the limit for each account will be based on the revenue performance of your
URL Slug está recibiendo "-2" al final
If you’re getting a “-2” at the end of the URL Slug after adding an Affiliate Link, it’s most likely that you have a file or an image which has the same file name as the slug used for your Affiliate Link. You can check this on your WordPress Dashboard, under