Contenido perenne is a valuable part of your content strategy, and they can take many forms: how-to guides, videos, product reviews, infographics, and more. The reason they’re so valuable is that they remain relevant to your readers no matter how many months or years go by.
No están limitados por eventos o periodos de tiempo que hacen que la información se vuelva obsoleta, razón por la cual las personas que quieren ganar con programas de afiliados escriben mucho contenido evergreen.
Entre los tipos más populares de contenidos perennes se incluyen:
- “Best of” articles
- Guías de compra
- Tutoriales
- Lista de los 10 mejores
- Casos prácticos
- Entrevistas
- Listas de control
Ejemplos de títulos:
- Cómo convertirte en el bloguero afiliado con más éxito este 2017
- The Beginner’s Guide to Taking Good HDR Photos
Chances are, you’ve been writing and reading evergreen content without even knowing it. But you knew they were valuable, so you bookmarked them for future reference. That’s what evergreen content is.
Una lista de ventajas que obtienes al crear contenido evergreen
You get the gist. Evergreen content is the peanut butter and jelly of your affiliate marketing sandwich. But don’t take our word for it. Check out the list below and find out why focusing on evergreen content can lead to more visitors, more leads, more conversions, and más ventas!
Crea autoridad
Simply knowing how to do something and sharing that information online increases your popularity with people within your niche, regardless of how basic the info is. Just remember that becoming an authority doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be consistent in sharing high quality content that’s easy to understand.
Genera un flujo constante de tráfico
Debido a la naturaleza atemporal de los contenidos evergreen, nunca pierden su valor tanto para los lectores antiguos como para los nuevos. Esto significa que el tráfico entrante se mantendrá siempre estable. En comparación con las actualizaciones de noticias o las publicaciones de tendencia, que provocan un repunte en el momento de su publicación pero que suelen decaer rápidamente, los contenidos evergreen son más fiables y sostenibles.
Minimiza el trabajo
Los blogs de noticias requieren información actualizada sobre los últimos acontecimientos. Esta exigencia de inmediatez implica estar todo el día tecleando para mantenerse a flote. Por no hablar de la calidad de las actualizaciones. Con el contenido perenne, basta con perfeccionar el post para que siga trabajando duro en segundo plano durante años.
Remains ‘Share-able’ on Social Media
Evergreen content generally receives more shares than trending topics over the long run. Part of the reason is because of the ongoing value of the content, while the other factor lies in its tendency to be of higher quality, so they’re easily shared with confidence.
Crea backlinks más frescos
Backlinks are incoming links from other web pages or websites. They’re a great indication of popularity or importance, and search engines generally sniff out content with fresh backlinks. As we’ve mentioned above, evergreen content has the potential to be share-able. If people like your posts, they may cite you as a reference in their own blog.
Es compatible con SEO
Google rewards sites that are loaded with fresh content. They understand the difference between trending articles and high-quality, in-depth guides that are meant to last. This is a great way to leverage on evergreen content. Along with the other benefits, you can also improve your site’s Clasificación SEO.
Consejos para utilizar los Evergreen Posts en el marketing de afiliación
If you think your evergreen posts provide great value over time, don’t let them gather dust under the hoods of your blog. You can create a section in your blog for “Recommended Reads” or “Featured Blog Posts”.
If you know how to code and you’re a whiz with photo-editing tools, you can even make your own widget:
En el widget de ejemplo que he creado más arriba, puedes ver lo bien que se presentan las entradas perennes. Esto ayuda a atraer tráfico meses o años después de su fecha de publicación inicial.
Make sure to include relevant links to affiliate products that you know your readers will love. Also, you may want to “cloak” the links, especially if you’re recommending more than three products in the entire post. We suggest using the ThirstyAffiliates WordPress Plugin para eso.
Palabras finales
We know you’re itching to earn enough commissions to replace your 9 to 5 job. Heck, you can even take a vacation and still have a steady cashflow coming in without doing anything. But all that comes AFTER you’ve created a series of high quality articles for your blog – which includes plenty of evergreen content.
Además, utilice imágenes nuevas y frescas cuando promocione entradas antiguas de su blog. Sigue tus progresos, see what’s working (or what isn’t), and then adjust your content strategy to fit your current affiliate marketing needs.
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