Cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación (todo lo que necesita saber)

Cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación

¿Está interesado en convertirse en un vendedor afiliado? ¿Ha pensado en trabajar con afiliados? ¿O simplemente siente curiosidad por saber cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación?

Si ha respondido a cualquiera de esas preguntas, y tienes conocimientos limitados sobre cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación, entonces estás en el lugar adecuado. El concepto no es difícil de entender. Al final de esta entrada del blog, usted debe tener una comprensión sólida. Así que ¡manos a la obra!

¿Qué es el marketing de afiliación?

En pocas palabras, el marketing de afiliación es una estrategia en la que una marca paga una comisión a una persona (un afiliado) en función de las ventas generadas a través de sus referencias. 

En pocas palabras, si eres un afiliado (también conocido como editor), utilizas tus habilidades como vendedor online para recomendar un producto a tu audiencia. Cuando alguien de tu audiencia decide comprar un producto o realizar una acción basándose en tu recomendación, te llevas una comisión.

¿Quiénes son los afiliados?

Un afiliado puede ser un particular o una empresa. La mayoría de las veces, los afiliados son blogueros u otros productores de contenidos. Suelen trabajar en sectores iguales o estrechamente relacionados con el de la empresa cuyos productos promocionan.

Los afiliados son personas que ayudan a promocionar un producto o servicio escribiendo artículos, grabando vídeos y realizando otras actividades de marketing. Cuando un visitante de un afiliado realiza una compra o envía un formulario en el sitio web de la empresa afiliada, el afiliado recibe una remuneración.

Cuánto y por qué (lead o compra) cobra el afiliado depende de las condiciones del programa de afiliación. En general, la comisión suele basarse en un porcentaje fijo del producto en cuestión. También puede ser otra cantidad acordada entre el anunciante y el editor.

¿Quiénes son las empresas?

Una empresa afiliada (también conocida como comerciante, anunciante, minorista o marca) es cualquier empresa dispuesta a pagar comisiones a los afiliados que promocionen sus productos. 

Las empresas afiliadas pagan a sus afiliados por ayudarles a aumentar el tráfico y las ventas. Los pagos suelen determinarse en función del pago por clic, el pago por lead o el pago por venta (más información más adelante). Esta estructura se denomina a veces marketing de resultados.

A partir de 2021, más de 84% de empresas en EE.UU. ofrecen un programa de marketing de afiliación para ayudar a dar a conocer la marca, fomentar la participación de los clientes y aumentar las ventas en línea. 

¿Qué son las redes de afiliados?

Las redes de afiliados actúan como intermediarios entre las empresas y sus afiliados. Gestionan la relación y proporcionan controles y equilibrios de terceros.

Estas redes rastrean, informan y gestionan los pagos a los afiliados. Cuando te registras en una red de afiliación, normalmente obtienes acceso a todas las empresas afiliadas gestionadas dentro de la red.

Algunas redes de afiliación populares son ClickBank, Comisión Junctiony ShareASale. Estas tres redes trabajan con todo tipo de marcas, o anunciantes, como a veces se les llama.

También hay redes más especializadas que son notables por sus herramientas de afiliación especializadas, su experiencia y por reunir a marcas de un mismo nicho. Por ejemplo, Travelpayouts proporciona acceso a 80 programas de afiliación de viajes de las marcas más importantes del mercado. Serían una buena opción para blogueros de viajes o webmasters con tráfico interesado en viajes.

¿Qué son los enlaces de afiliación?

Tras inscribirte en un programa de afiliación, obtendrás un enlace de afiliado. Se trata de una URL especial que contiene tu nombre de usuario o ID de afiliado. Utilizarás este enlace siempre que menciones el producto del anunciante en tu sitio web o en otras acciones de marketing, como en una entrada en el blog o en las redes sociales.

¿Cómo cobran los afiliados?

Como afiliado, se le paga por resultados. A continuación se describen los tres tipos de modelos basados en el rendimiento habituales en el marketing de afiliación:

  • PagarPorHaga clic en (PPC): Un afiliado cobra por todos los clics válidos generados, independientemente de si estos clics se traducen en ventas o clientes potenciales.
  • PagarPorPlomo (PPL): Las empresas pagan una comisión fija por cada acción cualificada que genera un clic. Esta acción puede incluir la instalación de una aplicación, el envío de un formulario online, la suscripción a una prueba gratuita o la cumplimentación de una breve encuesta.
  • PagarPorVenta (PPS): Las empresas pagan un porcentaje de todas las ventas cualificadas. Este porcentaje se acuerda entre la empresa y su afiliado. Entre los programas PPS más comunes está Amazon Associates, donde un editor puede ganar hasta 15% en función de los productos vendidos.

Por lo general, las comisiones se pagan mensualmente. Pero esto varía en función de las condiciones del programa de afiliación. Los vendedores afiliados pueden recibir el pago de muchas formas distintas, como comisión monetaria, comisión de crédito y comisión de descuento.

Comisión Monetaria

La forma más común y popular de pagar a los afiliados es a través de una comisión monetaria. Cuando

un afiliado genera una venta y gana una comisión, la empresa le paga con dinero real. Los sistemas de procesamiento de pagos en línea más conocidos son PayPal, Stripe, Skrilly Venmo.

Comisión de Crédito

Algunos programas de afiliación también permiten a los afiliados utilizar sus ganancias como crédito para los productos o servicios de ese negocio en línea. Por ejemplo, si un editor tiene una suscripción con un sitio de fotos de archivo, sus ganancias de afiliación pueden utilizarse como crédito para la renovación de la suscripción. Este tipo de pago es favorable para algunos afiliados porque les ayuda a ahorrar dinero en suscripciones y gastos comerciales.

Comisión de descuento

Algunos programas ofrecen descuentos a los afiliados que crean suficientes referencias. Este tipo de pago es popular entre los programas de afiliación relacionados con el comercio minorista y la salud. A partir de un determinado número de ventas y conversiones, los descuentos del afiliado pueden aumentar, lo que le da más poder de compra en productos que le gustan de empresas en las que confía.

¿Tiene algún coste unirse a un programa de afiliados? 

La mayoría de los programas de afiliación son gratuitos. Sin embargo, algunas estrategias de promoción tendrán un coste si decide utilizarlas. Por ejemplo, mientras que tu blog no te costará nada más que tu tiempo, el marketing de pago por clic, las campañas de correo electrónico y los anuncios en redes sociales requerirán una inversión.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos para convertirse en vendedor afiliado?

Cualquiera puede convertirse en vendedor afiliado. No existen cualificaciones estándar.

Sin embargo, saber cómo escribir una entrada de blog, elaborar una buena reseña o hacer un vídeo es una gran ventaja porque significa que no tienes que pagar por el contenido al principio. Además, cualquier conocimiento de marketing que tengas será una gran ventaja para ti.

¡Empieza a ganar hoy mismo!

No hay límite para lo que puedes ganar con el marketing de afiliación. Depende de ti aprender cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación y ver hasta dónde puedes escalar este increíble modelo de negocio.

La cantidad que gane dependerá de varios factores:

  1. El programa que promociona
  2. La tasa de conversión
  3. Cuántos visitantes envía a través de sus enlaces
  4. La motivación del comprador

Pero cuando llegas a ese punto dulce y todo se alinea, es una gran sensación.

Ahora que ya sabe cómo funciona el marketing de afiliación, ¿por qué no prueba? Después de todo, podría ser su gallina de los huevos de oro, ¡pero nunca lo sabrá si no lo intenta!

Si te ha gustado este post, no dejes de seguirnos en Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinteresty LinkedIn¡! Y no olvides suscribirte en el caja abajo.

Divulgación de enlaces de afiliados

131 pensamientos en "How Affiliate Marketing Works (Everything You Need to Know)"

  1. Bloggers and internet marketers who have been working into online marketing for years are used to with an affiliate marketing, and also with the fact that it is the most productive way to make money online. In the quick words; an Affiliate Marketing is one of the popular practices of selling wherein you suggest someone to any online product and when that person purchases the product based on your suggestion, you receive a commission.

    Anyways, learned a lot here today, thanks for giving info on affiliate marketing. I have been an affiliate for few programs but failed to make a profit because I haven’t done it correctly. Also, web traffic on your site requires to be really good and targeted to get things work. Require to work on traffic first and then you can go for affiliate marketing. An Affiliate Marketing also depends on what niche are you blogging about. If you have a technology blog, you can join Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal. If you talking into web-hosting, then you can join the affiliated programs derived by Webhosting companies.

    Thank you for the clear to understand information and plain descriptions. This will be quite helpful for all bloggers and online publishers…

  2. Hi my name is Debabrata upadhaya I am a beginner of affiliate marketing although I know I have lots of traffic in my social media but still I think it would not so easy to earn only through traffic you need to do something creative so that people visit your network so I am still working on this.

      1. I’m so new I’m embrassed, how do I promote software and products, I want to promote software and products that dfy software and program’s, as well as products. How does one do that? Dont I need a type of website/ platform? Because its just not working for me just using social media. I’m.a bought to give it, could you explain how I would do that and whst is best way. Thanks

  3. Yada yada yada….for those o f us who know absolutely NOTHING about marketing, how to manually create a webpage/blog, understand terms like SEO and MANY others that you and others use….not to mention we have no real knowledge of what it takes to write a successful blog or the tools you need to make a good YouTube video (yes, you need a video camera and a GOOD microphone among other things to make a GOOD video); those of us who don’t know that it it
    DOES, indeed, take money to start getting into affiliate marketing the RIGHT WAY….Your info was mediocre at best!
    I wish there was someone out there who is willing to tell the TRUTH about affiliate marketing and online business. It is HARD and you MUST KNOW WHAT YOU”RE DOING! Take some classes at least! THAT is the truth folks. This is NOT as easy as these people make it sound! At ALL!

    1. Sup Lisa, since you are commenting on a post that is aimed at folks who are looking up “how affiliate marketing works” it’s pretty introductory on purpose….

      Maybe you should check out some of our more advanced articles. It sounds like you’re all over this introductory stuff 😉

      Appreciate the comment!

  4. A great resource for the beginners, I really loved it.

    I started a blog which I plan to monetize only through affiliate marketing and my own products, no ads. I’ve been working on building an audience for my blog, for about 1 year and a half, many people think is maybe too much time, but I just want to make sure that I build enough trust with my readers before I start to try to make them buy something.

    Finally, I have decided to start monetizing my blog this year since I already have decent amounts of traffic, this type of articles helped me a lot on making sure I’m going towards the right direction.


  5. Hello, I am isaimini and I am Student can I start my affiliate marketing. I have a low budget can you please suggest some method to do affiliate marketing with low or zero budgets. Please this will really help me.

  6. Affiliate marketing income greatly depends on persistence and the right strategy. It’s really help me. Every single day I am making money from affiliate business. Thank you for effective content.

    1. Affiliate links for bloggers are one of the greatest sources of supplementary income for bloggers. It allows them to generate up to $5,000+ monthly from promoting helpful products. Substantial income is possible if you are able to reach out to a large audience that will listen to your voice.

  7. Hi AJ, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I found the breakdown of the three different business models to be particularly helpful. Most affiliates often automatically assume Pay per sale is the only way to generate commissions, while a pay per lead model would be more profitable.

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    ‘Keep It Up’ and keep sharing this type of informative and beneficial articles with us because these articles helps us to boost our knowledge power. Thank You So Much and have a good day.

  9. Writers and online businesses that have worked in internet marketing for a long time are familiar with affiliate marketing, as well as the reality that this was the very efficient way to generate extra cash. In simple terms, Affiliate Marketing is among the most prominent marketing strategies in which you recommend an item online to someone and then earn a fee if that person buys the product depending on your recommendation.

  10. There is absolutely no way that will beat Affiliate Marketing. The method by which people are earning incredible amounts of money is amazing. This is why I have also started working on this..
    By the way, thanks for the affiliate marketing tips.

    Susanta Kumar

  11. I don’t even know how to start this whole affiliate marketing stuff,I ain’t even gat digital skills and knowledge but if I check out the whole content of affiliate marketing and how it works and get a better understanding of how the system works then why won’t I get myself involved in it

  12. Such a nice article. Writers and online businesses that have worked in internet marketing for a long time are familiar with affiliate marketing, as well as the reality that this was the very efficient

  13. This is very interesting! I have been reading more blogs as I am thinking of starting my own and it is great what I am learning. I was thinking about blogging about my replacement fascias and soffit services.

  14. Bloggers and internet marketers who have been working into online marketing for years are used to with an affiliate marketing, and also with the fact that it is the most productive way to make money online. In the quick words; an Affiliate Marketing is one of the popular practices of selling wherein you suggest someone to any online product and when that person purchases the product based on your suggestion, you receive a commission.

    Anyways, learned a lot here today, thanks for giving info on affiliate marketing. I have been an affiliate for few programs but failed to make a profit because I haven’t done it correctly. Also, web traffic on your site requires to be really good and targeted to get things work. Require to work on traffic first and then you can go for affiliate marketing. An Affiliate Marketing also depends on what niche are you blogging about. If you have a technology blog, you can join Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal. If you talking into web-hosting, then you can join the affiliated programs derived by Webhosting companies.

    Thank you for the clear to understand information and plain descriptions. This will be quite helpful for all bloggers and online publishers…
    Thank you ❤❤

  15. Nice post on Affiliate Marketing. “Anyone can become an affiliate marketer after reading this. There are no standard qualifications” is the best line in this post. I really appreciate your work.
    Thank you for the clear to understand information and plain descriptions. This will be quite helpful for all bloggers and special fr beginners.

  16. Hello Sir
    Thanks for sharing such a lovely and informative post on Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can be profitable, but it depends on the program and how well you execute it. There are a lot of scams out there, so be sure to do your research before signing up for any programs.

  17. Thank you so much for the information. It is very useful blog. Digital marketing also has there methods which helps business to grow. Digital Marketing Techniques are the best solution for any business to grow globally.

  18. This is very interesting! Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products and the method by which people are earning incredible amounts of money is amazing.

  19. Thanks a lot for the information. Very useful blog. There are also methods in digital marketing that help the business to grow. Affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products and the way people are making incredible amounts of money is amazing.

  20. Hey ThirstAffiliate Team,
    This is a very informative and impressive article on Affiliate Marketing.

    Also, I am using your plugin on most of my affiliate websites and I must say it has helped me a lot 🙂

    Continue your excellent work.

  21. Hey ThirstAffiliate Team,
    This is a very informative and impressive article on Affiliate Marketing.

    Also, I am using your plugin on most of my affiliate websites and I must say it has helped me a lot

    Continue your excellent work.

  22. Hello ThirstAffiliate Staff,
    This is an excellent and interesting post about Affiliate Marketing. Also, I use your plugin on the majority of my affiliate websites, and I must tell it has greatly aided me. Maintain your amazing job.

  23. This is a fantastic and informative post about Affiliate Marketing. Also, I use your plugin on the majority of my affiliate websites, and I must say that it has been extremely helpful. Continue your fantastic work.

  24. Thank you for this informative article! You were able to explain everything about affiliate marketing in a way that’s easy to understand. I think affiliate marketing has been really growing for the past couple of years. Do you think this upward trend would continue to grow for the coming years?

  25. The way you cover each and every question regarding every question regarding a particular topic left no room for any query and confusion. i wanna go into affiliate marketing so if you have any recommendation for your blog please let me know in the comments.

  26. The way you cover each and every question regarding a particular topic left no room for any query and confusion. i wanna go into affiliate marketing so if you have any recommendations for your blog please let me know in the comments.

  27. But don’t you think that affiliate marking has kinda reached a saturation and this Pandemic has actually boosted it, nowadyas people are following this affiliate marketing thinking this a way to make quick cash. I knew what affiliate marketing was but man got it cleared thanks Pal,

  28. This is really good post about Affiliate Marketing. I have recently started blogging and hope to get enough traffic and start Affiliate Marketing. However there are huge number of affiliate marketers and for better conversion I am trying to create enough high level content to match the user need. Again thanks for useful blog post.

  29. I am researching on Affiliate Marketing and found this blog post really useful. I intend to join good paying affiliates with better conversion rate. Thank you for providing good and helpful content!

  30. Your explanations for each topic were very clear and concise, leaving no room for confusion. I want to get into affiliate marketing, so if you have any recommendations for further reading on your blog, please let me know in the comments.

  31. There was no opportunity for misunderstanding thanks to your very precise and straightforward explanations of each issue. If you have any suggestions for additional reading on your blog that would help me learn more about affiliate marketing, please share them in the comments.

  32. I’m a freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur, who specialises in assisting entrepreneurs in successfully and favourably growing their companies.

    I’m a professional digital marketing consultant that can help you reach a larger audience with services like SEO, SEM, SMM, Content Marketing, Email marketing and Web creation.

  33. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses pay affiliates for driving sales or leads. It’s a cost-effective way for businesses to reach new customers and increase revenue, and for affiliates to earn money by promoting products or services they believe in.

  34. Is it actually possible to begin affiliate marketing with “no” money? Obtaining an affiliate link and beginning to share it with people you know is the only method to begin affiliate marketing without spending any money. While this is feasible, it is not scalable, and unless you are continually networking, it won’t bring in any money.

  35. Estas redes rastrean, informan y gestionan los pagos a los afiliados. Cuando te registras en una red de afiliación, normalmente obtienes acceso a todas las empresas afiliadas gestionadas dentro de la red.

  36. Wow, what a comprehensive guide to affiliate marketing! This article truly covers everything one needs to know to get started in the world of affiliate marketing. The way the information is presented makes it easy for beginners to understand and follow along. Thank you for providing such valuable insights and tips, and for making it all so accessible. Keep up the great work

  37. Affiliate networks act as a middleman between companies and their affiliates, managing relationships and providing third-party checks and balances. Affiliate links are special URLs that contain an affiliate username or ID. When a visitor clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase or takes another qualified action, the affiliate earns a commission.

  38. Is it actually possible to begin affiliate marketing with “no” money? Obtaining an affiliate link and beginning to share it with people you know is the only method to begin affiliate marketing without spending any money. While this is feasible, it is not scalable, and unless you are continually networking, it won’t bring in any money.

  39. A fantastic post, AJ! Your detailed explanation reminded me of my first foray into affiliate marketing, which was filled with uncertainty and learning curves. I appreciate how you elaborated on different commission models, and it could be a game-changer for beginners!

  40. Hi admin,
    Affiliate marketing is a thing that takes lots of time and effort. I have been doing affiliate marketing since 2018 and I never read such informative posts about affiliate marketing.
    Thanks for the post.

  41. Successful affiliate marketing requires selecting the right affiliate programs, understanding the target audience, and creating compelling content that resonates with potential customers. Transparency, trust, and maintaining ethical practices are vital for long-term success in the affiliate marketing industry.

    This marketing model benefits all parties involved. The company gains exposure to a wider audience and only pays for results, while affiliates have the opportunity to monetize their online presence by promoting products or services they believe in. Affiliate marketing allows for scalability and flexibility, making it accessible to individuals of various backgrounds and industries.

  42. Hola Autor,
    I’m writing to extend my heartfelt appreciation for your excellent article on how affiliate marketing works. Your breakdown of the intricacies involved and the step-by-step process was incredibly enlightening. As someone new to the concept, I now feel well-equipped to venture into this dynamic field.

  43. Affiliate marketing is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and this article seems to be a valuable resource for those looking to dive into this realm or enhance their existing knowledge. Understanding the mechanics of affiliate marketing is crucial for both marketers and businesses, and your guide appears to cover everything from the basics to advanced strategies.

    I appreciate that this guide promises to provide “everything you need to know.” It’s evident that it’s a comprehensive resource that can benefit beginners and experienced affiliate marketers alike. Thanks for sharing your insights into this exciting and profitable online marketing strategy!

  44. Unlock the secrets of Affiliate Marketing with this insightful article! It breaks down the intricacies of the process, making it accessible for both beginners and seasoned marketers. Learn how partnerships and commissions drive online success. A must-read to boost your revenue and digital marketing skills!

  45. I appreciated the way you explained the different revenue models in affiliate marketing. It was like a light bulb moment for me! I always had a vague idea about CPA, CPC, and RevShare, but your article clarified everything.

    Plus, your real-world examples and practical tips added so much value. It’s evident that you’ve got a deep understanding of the subject, and you’ve made it incredibly accessible to your readers. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  46. “Thank you for this comprehensive guide that truly covers everything one needs to know about affiliate marketing! As someone interested in exploring online income streams, your article provides a fantastic roadmap for understanding the ins and outs of this exciting field.

  47. Kudos on the complete affiliate marketing guide! As an aspiring online entrepreneur, your insights are a beacon. It’s the perfect compass for understanding this realm. Thank you for sharing this .

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