Cómo hacer marketing de afiliación como los expertos

So you've heard about this affiliate marketing thing hey? Well, this article will give you the basics of how to do affiliate marketing to not only make money but also set yourself up for future profits.

How affiliate marketing works

Afiliado marketing works by an arrangement or contract between a person (or company) and a business selling products and services.

The arrangement outlines how much the affiliate will receive on bringing a successful sale to the business.

Once an affiliate introduces a customer to the business and they make a successful sale, the affiliate is given their commission.

Usually, in online scenarios, this commission will build up in the affiliate’s account with the business and they will receive a payout at the start of the next month for the previous month’s efforts. Sometimes there is a minimum payout level which the affiliate must earn before funds are given out.

how to do affiliate marketing

Affiliate program basics you should know

Affiliate programs are schemes setup by businesses to have people help them promote their products and services by providing a revenue split with the affiliate when they bring a customer to the business that buys something.

Affiliate programs work by sending a predetermined percentage of the proceeds of any sales to the affiliate when the customer buys something from them.

The company installs a tracking system that records where their visitors come from, this is usually done by providing the affiliate a special code to apply to their links.

When the customer clicks on the affiliate’s link the code is activated in the tracking system to record where the customer came from. If the customer then goes on to complete a purchase, the affiliate is credited with providing the sale and shares in the revenue.

Some affiliate marketing tips for beginners

Los principiantes en marketing de afiliación no deben tener miedo a experimentar. Todos los grandes profesionales del marketing de afiliación del sector experimentan constantemente con las campañas que llevan a cabo.

Algunas de las cosas que tienes que hacer bien son:

  • Su sitio web: consiga un buen diseño y haga que parezca legítimo y profesional.
  • Limite el tipo de personas que desea atraer a su embudo de ventas
  • Determine qué tipos de productos encajan con su público
  • Y empiece a crear una lista de correo electrónico para poder ponerse en contacto con posibles clientes varias veces.

Nunca dejes de experimentar

One of the big lessons we push here on the blog is that you should never stop experimenting and testing things with your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Even the biggest affiliate marketers in the world who make hundreds of thousands of dollars experiment with their campaigns every day to learn what works and what doesn't. If you fail at first, don't worry. Just pick yourself up and realise that there is a lesson in every failure. Take what you can learn from that and move on to your next experiment.

If you're new to affiliate marketing check out this post: What is affiliate marketing? It will explain a lot.

Divulgación de enlaces de afiliados

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