There are two options to install ThirstyAffiliates: Dashboard Install Login to your WordPress installation Go to Plugins->Add New Search for “ThirstyAffiliates” Click Install and once installed click Activate Manual Install Download the archive from here Unarchive the plugin on your computer Use an FTP program to upload the plugin to
Quelle est la configuration requise pour ThirstyAffiliates ?
The system requirements for running ThirstyAffiliates are very minimal: WordPress 6.0 or greater PHP 7.4 or greater MySQL 8.0 or greater
Comment télécharger et installer ThirstyAffiliates Pro
HOW TO DOWNLOAD THIRSTYAFFILIATES PRO ThirstyAffiliates Pro also requires the ThirstyAffiliates base plugin be installed and activated as well. You can find the base plugin at Once you purchase the ThirstyAffiliates Pro version, download the plugin’s .zip file from your Account page. Clicking the Download button below will direct
If you could only have one affiliate marketing question answered what would it be?
Hi there, Blair here the owner of ThirstyAffiliates. Just have a quick question for you today if you could help us out that would be amazing. All I need you to do is answer a simple question by leaving a comment below… “If you could only have one affiliate marketing
ThirstyAffiliates Geolocations prend désormais en charge les bases de données MaxMind et IP2Location
If you haven’t seen our Geolocations add-on for ThirstyAffiliates you’re missing out on a big opportunity to increase the conversions of your affiliate links. The way it works is by checking the visitor’s IP address and determining their location from that. You can target just about any country on earth
Affiliate Guide: How To Insert Affiliate Links Into Widgets
We recently wrote up a post on how to insert affiliate banners with ThirstyAffiliates anywhere on your site which was pretty well received at the time and showed a cheats way to get the affiliate link code for your banners and paste them wherever you like such as Banner code boxes in
Ce que la série "American Pickers" peut vous apprendre sur le marketing d'affiliation
As any red blooded male will tell you there’s nothing like a TV show about “mantiques”. In fact, my latest addiction is a show by the History Channel called “American Pickers”. I’m sure most of you might be familiar with it already, but if you’re not get familiar with it
Mener une campagne pour augmenter les ventes d'affiliés pendant les fêtes de fin d'année ?
Pro affiliates know that being prepared is what makes for a great seasonal affiliate campaign. But it’s surprising how many affiliates don’t setup their affiliate marketing to optimize for the great time-sensitive sales that many vendors offer at this time of year. That’s why we’re releasing the new Scheduled Links Add-on
Guide de l'affiliation : Comment monétiser votre blog avec le marketing d'affiliation
Il y a littéralement des millions de blogueurs dans le monde et avec plus de 70 millions d'entre eux sur WordPress seulement, on pourrait penser que le problème de la monétisation de son blog est résolu depuis longtemps. Monétiser quoi que ce soit est toujours un défi, mais heureusement les blogueurs ont un avantage grâce à leur
Autolinker v1.2 has been released – Loads of great new features!
Today we’re releasing v1.2 of our popular Autolinker add-on for ThirstyAffiliates! Click here to read more about the Autolinker add-on → There’s quite a few new features and switches in this release which we hope will be welcomed with open arms. Here’s a quick overview of some of the changes: