Coupon Queen: Interview With Successful Coupon Affiliate Tricia Meyer

Bienvenue dans la série d'interviews de super affiliés où nous publions nos conversations avec des affiliés qui se débrouillent très bien et gagnent bien leur vie grâce au marketing d'affiliation. Ces interviews sont en partie inspirantes, en partie éducatives et totalement intéressantes ! Appréciez l'interview d'aujourd'hui...

Tricia Meyers couponSo how does a qualified Lawyer go from wage earner to successful coupon empress? Meet Tricia Meyer, our latest interviewee who has made a name for herself in the affiliate scene by building up portfolio of coupon/reward type websites, other niche websites and blogs and now also sits on the board of the Performance Marketing Association.

This is the first time we've had someone from Tricia's niche on the blog for an interview and I think you'll love the new point of view. There really is an unlimited number of ways for you to get involved in affiliate marketing and by leveraging your strengths, like Tricia did, you can turn those ideas into a full-time reality.

1. Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, pouvez-vous nous parler de vous et de ce que vous faites ?

Originally a lawyer, I fell in love with affiliate marketing after I started my first “mom site” (before mom “blogs”!). The majority of my time is spent running a coupon and reward site while the rest is spent on niche blogs or consulting. I also serve on the Board of Directors for the Performance Marketing Association.

2. Comment utilisez-vous le marketing d'affiliation dans votre entreprise et sur vos sites ?

Aside from my consulting, all of my revenue comes from affiliate marketing. I use everything from coupon links to product reviews to CPA offers for surveys. I use data feeds, coupon APIs, and plain old text links. Almost all of my monetization is done on my sites themselves with my newsletters and social media mainly sending the traffic back to my sites.

3. Quelle est la chose que vous pouvez citer qui a eu un effet positif et durable sur votre marketing d'affiliation et qui a fait décoller vos revenus ?

Attending Affiliate Summit took my sites from a hobby to a full-time job. Between the education and the networking, I learned so much so fast. Without it, I know that I would not be as successful as I am. Really without the PEOPLE who are so willing to give of their time and help guide new people through the industry, I would not be where I am.

4. Combien de temps investissez-vous dans votre stratégie de marketing d'affiliation aujourd'hui par rapport à vos débuts ?

I spend less time on a daily basis on my own sites now that they are up and running and I am making consulting revenue. It's probably about 70% of my time that I actually spend on my own sites. I've always been a workaholic. Now I'm just better at figuring out how to focus on long-term revenue versus short-term revenue.

5. Quel est le conseil numéro 1 que vous donnez aux nouveaux spécialistes du marketing d'affiliation ?

Get networking. So much of this business is based upon relationships. You need to build relationships not only because you learn from others but because you depend on them for things like higher commissions, exclusive deals, access to tools, etc. Start “meeting” people over social media, attend conferences, and find any way that you can to get to know others in the industry.

6. Si vous deviez recommencer demain, quelle serait la première chose que vous feriez pour reconstruire votre empire de marketing d'affiliation ?

I would focus on sites where I have more of a choice in which merchants I promote. In the reward/coupon space, you have to promote brands who treat you pretty poorly as an affiliate. Starting over, I would focus only on sites where the niche merchants respect affiliates.

7. Où les gens peuvent-ils en savoir plus sur vous ? Branchez votre site 🙂

You can visit my blog at or follow me on Twitter @sunshinetricia.

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