How to Partner with Essential Oil Affiliate Programs (In 3 Steps)

Have you noticed that essential oils are increasing in popularity? If you’re an spécialiste du marketing affilié hoping to capitalize on this new and blossoming niche, you’re not alone. However, if you’re not an expert in the field of aromatherapy, you may not know where to begin.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be a plant scientist to partner with essential oil affiliate programs. By establishing your credibility in the field and following affiliate link best practices, you can easily break into this thriving industry.

In this post, we’ll look at why you may want to partner with essential oil programmes d'affiliation. Then, we’ll show you how you can do this in just three simple steps. Let’s dive in!

Why You May Want to Partner With Essential Oil Affiliate Programs

Essential oils are made from liquid chemical compounds extracted from plants. Common varieties include lavender, mint, tea tree, and even clove.

Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety and depression, chronic health issues, insomnia, and other conditions. They are also used in the growing field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Since severe burnout and stress are becoming increasingly common, more and more people are turning to essential oils as a holistic form of relief. For example, oil diffusers have become a household staple:

Essential oils and diffusers for sale on Amazon.

Before, you might have only found a diffuser at a yoga studio or a spa. Essential oil courses and workshops for amateur holistic practitioners are also very popular.

All of this has likely fueled the growing demand for essential oils in a market now valued at more than $4 billion. On the whole, essential oils are highly accessible due to their affordability. They also offer real value to consumers. Therefore, they can provide a solid foundation for a successful affiliate marketing program.

How to Partner With Essential Oil Affiliate Programs (In 3 Steps)

As you can see, now is a great time to break into the essential oil affiliate industry. Let's discuss how you can do it in three steps. For this tutorial, we're going to assume that you've already started building your affiliate website.

Step 1: Create Aromatherapy-Focused Content

If you’re interested in getting involved with essential oil affiliate programs, you likely already have an interest in natural or holistic medicine. As such, your website may already cover similar topics.

However, brands will probably want to see proof that you have some authority in this area. They will be more likely to work with you if your site can help them sell more products.

Par exemple, LabAroma's blog covers a wide range of wellness topics, such as aromatherapy for sleep and the benefits of lavender:

LabAroma blog posts.

The possibilities are quite vast when it comes to essential oils. The key is to make sure that no matter what topic you write about, you're creating content that is relevant and useful to your target readers.

Step 2: Reach Out to Essential Oil Affiliate Brands

Once you’ve established authority in the wellness market, the next step is to reach out to essential oil brands with affiliate programs. It's a smart idea to get in touch with the brands that you actually use. This way, their products will be easier for you to sell, since your endorsement will be authentic.

To do this, you can simply send a message via a company's contact channel. However, before you do, it's best to check if they already have an affiliate program.

First, you might want to look at the website's footer. If the brand does participate in affiliate marketing, the link might simply read “Affiliate Program”, as with Rocky Mountain Oils:

Rocky Mountain Oils footer advertises its essential oil affiliate marketing program.

When you do find such a link, clicking on it will usually lead you to an affiliate application form:

An essential oil affiliate application.

It's a good idea to read all the terms and conditions before you submit the application. If you're serious about the brand, we recommend taking your time and filling out the form as thoroughly as you can.

Alternatively, if you're having trouble finding essential oil affiliate options, you might consider the Programme d'affiliation Amazon. This could be a lucrative option, since there are thousands of essential oils and diffusers to choose from on Amazon. Plus, you can further increase your commissions by promoting only the highest-rated or best-selling products, which will be more likely to convert.

Step 3: Optimize and Share Your Affiliate Links

After you've found a brand to partner with, it's time to start sharing your affiliate links. However, some affiliate programs may not have the most streamlined process, so it’s up to you to organize your affiliate marketing business.

For starters, you'll want to ensure that your affiliate links are both secure and easy to read. Long affiliate URLs can create a poor User Experience (UX). Additionally, cloaking your links can help prevent affiliate fraud.

Notre plugin ThirstyAffiliates offers a variety of features to help improve your affiliate URLs, including link cloaking and shortening:

ThirstyAffiliates WordPress plugin.

ThirstyAffiliates can protect you from commission theft while also increasing your conversions. That's because shorter, more professional-looking links create a better UX and may also be perceived as more credible and clickable. Additionally, the plugin can help you easily insert affiliate links into your old and future blog posts.

If you plan to create aromatherapy courses (where you can share more affiliate URLs), you may also want to consider the MemberPress plugin. This tool can help you create courses or other membership content with ease.


Tapping into a new market can often seem like a difficult chore. Fortunately, essential oil affiliate brands are easy to work with. Plus, there’s plenty of potential for your affiliate business in this niche.

Let’s quickly recap how you can partner with essential oil affiliate programs in three easy steps:

  1. Create aromatherapy-focused content.
  2. Reach out to essential oil brands.
  3. Optimize and share your affiliate links using ThirstyAffiliates.

Do you have any questions about working with essential oil affiliate brands? Let us know in the comments section below!

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13 thoughts on "How to Partner with Essential Oil Affiliate Programs (In 3 Steps)"

  1. Essential oil diffusers are very popular and work very well. This would be a great product to promote as an affiliate. Amazon has great diffuser products, i just wish the commission was higher.

  2. This is an interesting article. It sounds like it would be exciting to sell essential oils as an affiliate. I’ve written quite a bit about essential oils on my blog and how they can help with various issues like anxiety, depression, anger, and fatigue. There’s a lot of information backing their use, and the business is enormous.

  3. Thanks for Sharing!! Great Job ! Essential oils have been used for centuries, not everyone knew about them before. However, for the last couple of years, these oils have been enjoying a major uplift in their popularity.

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