Introduction au marketing d'affiliation pour les blogueurs

Marketing d'affiliation is a practise that has long been a big part of online business. It involves getting other people to help market your products. In exchange for marketing your products, the affiliate takes a percentage of the revenue.

Bloggers and Affiliate Marketing

Bloggers in particular have an opportunity to capitalize with affiliate marketing because of the strong relationship they build with their readers.

By recommending a product as a blogger, it's like putting your stamp of approval on that product by saying it's good.


How Bloggers Can Use Affiliate Marketing In Their Posts

There's several ways bloggers can slip affiliate marketing into their current monetization approach.

Mention Affiliate Products In Your Posts

If you're writing a post about a certain product or service there's bound to be an affiliate program in relation to it. Affiliate marketing can be as simple as providing an avenue for people to discover new products and services via your recommendations and links.

In fact, mentioning affiliate products inside your post content is far more effective than banner advertising. Give it a try.

Using Your Email List For Affiliate Marketing

Another way to bring people through your affiliate links is to recommend products via your email list. If you collect emails on your website you'll know how effective it can be at keeping people engaged.

Affiliate marketing can be very effective in this medium. Especially if you use it in conjunction with my previous tip to notify people about a review or a great new post, then use that post to recommend the product.

Make Sure You Believe In What You're Promoting

As a blogger you have 1 audience and it's taken you a long time to build that audience. Do you really want to throw all that work away with a bad recommendation?

Affiliate marketing isn't just about the money. It's really about recommending great products and taking a commission if people follow your recommendation.

As a blogger you have a great opportunity to use affiliate marketing to diversify your monetization strategy.

Here at ThirstyAffiliates we've made a great tool to help bloggers everywhere with their affiliate marketing.

You can manage and track your affiliate links with ThirstyAffiliates WordPress plugin which will make running affiliate marketing campaigns a lot easier. Check out the visite des produits pour en savoir plus.

Divulgation des liens d'affiliation

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