¿Cuál es su estrategia de marketing de afiliación?

Affiliate marketing is most prevalent on the web, and affiliate marketers play a significant role in many company’s online marketing strategies.

If you're planning on running an affiliate marketing campaign for a product you need to approach it with the right affiliate marketing strategy and the right tools.

Tools to help your affiliate marketing

There are numerous piece of software that you can make use of as an affiliate including the tool we provide, ThirstyAffiliates.

We recommend using WordPress as your website content management system because of it’s ease of use.

Other software you might find yourself using as an affiliate can be keyword research tools such as Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool, advertising platforms like Adwords and Facebook Ads, and many many more.

estrategia de marketing de afiliación

Seguimiento de clics como afiliado

Knowing how many clicks you receive on your affiliate links can help you determine what your click through rate is.

The click through rate is how many out of the number of visitors that see your links actually click through the link to view the product/service on the other end.

Por qué es importante medir el rendimiento

Performance measurement as an affiliate can help you adjust your wording and how your present your affiliate links to the visitor in order to maximize the amount of click throughs you get.

It’s incredibly important to know how effective your efforts are as some times the smallest change can result in a big change in the amount of people who click through via your affiliate link (which in turn can result in more sales).

Strategy for affiliate marketing

Tener una estrategia para hacer marketing de afiliación es muy importante, de lo contrario puede ser un poco como gritar al viento.

Relacionar a los visitantes adecuados con los productos adecuados forma parte de nuestro trabajo como vendedores afiliados.

Piensa qué tipo de tráfico está visitando los enlaces que estás publicando y comprueba si puedes atraer a más gente relevante a esa página.

Al fin y al cabo, la gente compra productos por recomendación tuya y si quieres convertir a los visitantes en clientes de ese producto o servicio, vas a querer hablar con las personas adecuadas.

El mejor consejo estratégico que puedo dar para el marketing de afiliación es que debe asegurarse de que su tráfico está precalificado, lo que significa que las personas que hagan clic en el enlace tendrán más probabilidades de comprar y no tendrá que esforzarse tanto para convencer a la gente de que debe comprar.

Want to read more about strategy? Check out this popular post: Affiliate marketing strategies.

Divulgación de enlaces de afiliados

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