Back when I was writing a lot, I started maintaining a personal blog called Code My Own Road. It’s a site for programmers like me who have started online businesses. It was a way for me to straighten things out in my head and write about things that didn’t fit
Cómo volver a ThirstyAffiliates 2.0
Tried ThirstyAffiliates 3.0 but need to temporarily go back to ThirstyAffiliates 2.0? We have you covered. ThirstyAffiliates 3.0 introduced a brand new data model and as such when you install and activate it, your existing 2.0 link data will have been migrated across. This means that if you install ThirstyAffiliates
Cómo cargar manualmente una base de datos MaxMind
The Geolocations add-on can work with MaxMind .mmdb files downloaded from MaxMind. The database you need is the Country level DB. There is a lite free version of this country level location database which is updated each quarter by MaxMind, but if you have an account with them you can also
¿Por qué tengo ahora atributos de datos adicionales en mis enlaces?
¿Ha examinado sus enlaces ThirstyAffiliates y se ha dado cuenta de que hay algunos atributos "data-" adicionales en los enlaces ThirstyAffiliates? <a> tag? The latest version of Google Click Tracking adds some data attributes to links that are inserted from the ThirstyAffiliates Link Picker tool. They are designed to add more accuracy and speed
Piggyback Paycheck: Affiliate Marketing and the Rise of the Mobile Empire
Some people create. Others promote. Somewhere in the middle – or is it more of a Venn diagram situation? – lay the affiliates. Affiliate marketing is a business triangle of sorts, with advertisers, publishers, and consumers all playing equally important parts. It’s a symbiotic relationship, but somewhere along the line
Cómo usar la URL de destino en lugar de la URL oculta con Autolinker (compatibilidad con Skimlinks)
In some affiliate programs like Skimlinks, they detect external links on your blog by using an on-page javascript that you have to load on your site. This poses a problem because ThirstyAffiliates when paired with the Autolinker, will automatically use the cloaked affiliate link. We created this snippet of code
Cómo habilitar los puntos (.) en las barras de enlace
By default, WordPress itself will strip your slugs of any characters that it deems aren’t allowed in URLs. One of these characters is pretty common for people to want to include in their link slugs and that is the period/decimal point character (.) If you want to include this in
Cómo añadir soporte para imágenes destacadas a los enlaces ThirstyAffiliates
Some themes integrate nicely with ThirstyAffliates and allow you to create many different displays of your links on the front end. Unfortunately, out of the box, ThirstyAffiliates doesn’t have Featured Image support which some of these themes need to get their display looking right. To quickly add support for Featured
¿Por qué mis URL muestran la URL de destino al hacer clic?
Mostrando la URL de destino final después de hacer clic en uno de sus enlaces de afiliados camuflados es el comportamiento esperado con nuestro plugin. Nuestro método de camuflaje es en realidad una redirección 301/302, lo que significa que se le redirige completamente al destino. La razón por la que no apoyamos el enmascaramiento (por ejemplo, mostrando el sitio, pero con su
Flujo de trabajo básico para ThirstyAffiliates AZON
The ThirstyAffiliates AZON importer add-on is extremely powerful when used properly. It can speed up your link creation process 100x fold. This is a guide to help you get up to speed on the basic workflow of this powerful Amazon product to affiliate link importer. It helps if you think