¡No persiga mariposas! ¿Estás cometiendo el mayor error en el marketing de afiliación?

Affiliate marketing is serious business. What is distracting you so much that you can’t concentrate on your work? There are probably a lot of things you are doing right now that you don’t even know are negatively affecting your affiliate marketing business. Chasing butterflies here means that you have lost focus of the goal of affiliate marketing: to get traffic, to get conversions, and to make a profit. But you just might be sabotaging your affiliate marketing business by doing some things that may seem harmless

There are probably a lot of things you are doing right now that you don’t even know are negatively affecting your negocio de marketing de afiliación. Perseguir mariposas aquí significa que has perdido el foco del objetivo del marketing de afiliación: conseguir tráfico, conseguir conversiones y obtener beneficios. Es posible que esté saboteando su negocio de marketing de afiliación al hacer algunas cosas que pueden parecer inofensivas ahora, pero que serán problemas importantes para su cuenta de resultados más adelante. He aquí una lista de cosas que puede estar haciendo y que podrían ser el mayor (y último) error que cometa en el marketing de afiliación.


This is an ill that affects half of the world’s working population, not just affiliate marketers. You sit down at your desk, or you stand at your desk, crack your knuckles, all ready to do some content creation. All of a sudden, you feel this great urge to download an ebook you saw online just the other day. Then you decide to take a sneak peak at it. Before you know it, you are an hour into the book, and your work hasn’t been done.

Or you just started to work on an article, then realise that you need to get some royalty-free pictures for the article you are writing. From Pixabay, you move to Facebook, then to your email, and when you get back to your work, you have lost interest, you have lost the drive to work. No harm done, you think to yourself, you can always do it later. This ‘do-it-later’ attitude is a big mistake for your affiliate marketing business. Try to avoid and set aside every possible distraction, and work when you have scheduled yourself to work.


Another thing that can’t be stressed enough: prevender al cliente, don’t over-sell. Be honest and fair in your product reviews, and say just enough to get the visitor interested and curious so that they can click that link through to the advertiser’s page.

Over-selling products to customers, throwing the product in their face and telling them they have to buy it, will have the exact effect: they won’t buy it.

Céntrese en el objetivo: conseguir conversiones, no llevar clientes a la competencia.

No investigar las palabras clave

Keyword research is important. Keyword research can’t be overstated. Doing your keyword research lets you know how big the competition is. The smaller the number of searches for a particular keyword, the better your chances in those niches.

Just because you are already and affiliate marketing doesn’t mean you can’t fail if you don’t focus on your business. Make sure you do your búsqueda de palabras clave y que su SEO está a la altura.

El mayor error

No estar en su nicho de mercado

Just because you are dreaming of the riches you will get from affiliate marketing, you somehow picked the wrong niche market, set up your affiliate site, selected your products, and started promoting them. You promote those products for all you are worth, and yet the traffic is low, the conversions are not enough, the revenue isn’t pouring in.

Este es otro error que puedes estar cometiendo: estar en el nicho equivocado. Puede que sea lo que le apasiona, pero puede que todavía no sea para usted. En lugar de promocionar productos de café para adelgazar, ¿por qué no ir más a lo básico y promocionar café descafeinado? Con el tiempo y más experiencia, podrá conquistar el nicho de mercado del café.

Cubrir su sitio con anuncios

Yes, you are promoting products. It doesn’t mean that ads are all your visitors want, or need, to see. Make your site look cleaner and simpler, with some fun content and a few ads, like one on each side of the page and one at the bottom. That looks so much better and is more likely to bring in traffic than bombarding them with ads.

Contenido insuficiente

Escribiendo unos míseros líneas de contenido no le va a convertir ningún cliente. Si usted ha estado haciendo esto, es hora de parar.

Debe dedicar tiempo y recursos a crear contenidos de calidad para sus visitantes, independientemente de la forma que adopten. ¿Es una reseña sobre un producto? Pruebe ese producto para que pueda tener suficiente información honesta para dar a sus lectores. ¿Es un tutorial sobre cómo utilizar los productos Cantu? Pruebe esos productos también. Pregunta a otras personas cómo los han utilizado y qué tal les han funcionado. ¿Es una entrada sobre tus consejos favoritos para escribir?

Ya sabes lo que tienes que hacer para crear ese contenido. Ofrece a tus lectores algo informativo y divertido de leer, no tres líneas de lo que sea y un enlace a la página de tu producto.

No supervisar su rendimiento

This is why tracking metrics are important: you need them to track your campaign performances. Why would you be an affiliate marketer and check to see how well you are doing? If not your performance, you should at least check out how well the competition is doing. You need to measure how well your marketing strategies are working for you, how many clicks and impressions you are getting, how many sales and leads you are generating per week, and see where you can improve. Your business isn’t going to run itself: you are.

Utilizar demasiadas estrategias de marketing a la vez

This is the equivalent of a system overload. Calm down, take it slow, and reduce the number of marketing strategies you are using. Focus on one, get the data you need from it, and use another marketing strategy. If you can use two at a time, fine, that’s small enough. The aim is to see what works and what doesn’t, not lose track of what is really going on and just give up.

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