Nueva función: Eliminación automática de palabras inútiles de los enlaces ThirstyAffiliates

ThirstyAffiliates Version 2.1 linkIn ThirstyAffiliates 2.1.1 we quietly rolled out another great feature that optimizes your cloaked affiliate link URLs.

The feature automatically strips superfluous words from your affiliate link slugs when you first create the affiliate link.

This means you can copy and paste your full affliate product title which can sometimes be quite long like “A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Quick Reference for Affiliate Managers & Merchants” and ThirstyAffiliates will automatically check against it's internal dictionary for common words to strip out.

You can then adjust the affiliate link slug as you need to but this feature means that 90% of the time you won't need to anymore.

It's just another way we are working to speed up your affiliate marketing processes with our plugin ThirstyAffiliates.

Divulgación de enlaces de afiliados

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