ThirstyAffiliates 2.1: Novedades

ThirstyAffiliates Version 2.1 updatesAs ThirstyAffiliates has progressed over the last year we're moving more into being a mature product and can focus on creating new features for our already existing awesome users.

This bolstering on features just means that ThirstyAffiliates is getting better and better.

As 2012 draws to a close, we are in planning and reflection mode for next year, but not before we could get just one last release out!

At the end of November we released ThirstyAffiliates 2.1, much to the excitement of our existing users.

ThirstyAffiliates 2.1 Updates & Features

2.1 was the first major update in the latter half of the year with a host of bug fixes and a couple of special new features:

  • New feature: Allow categories in link slugs
  • Rebuild all existing links when ThirstyAffiliates detects a major settings change
  • New feature: Manual force rebuild links
  • Fix for nofollow & new window saving bug when not using global settings
  • Fix compatibility issues with new Thesis theme
  • Allow curly braces in destination links
  • and a host of other small bug fixes and theme incompatibility fixes

The major new feature here is the categories in link slugs which is something our users have been asking for. You can now set your links up to automatically include the category slug in the cloaked link URL.

It's important to note that for existing sites, this won't automatically change links that you have already included in posts and pages. But the option is now there to change the format of your slugs if you desire.

What's In Store For Next Year

ThirstyAffiliates 2.1 is just the beginning of some exciting changes happening here at ThirstyAffiliates HQ, we're really looking forward to continuing our efforts next year to create what we think is one of the best affiliate link management plugins for WordPress around.

We're going to be focusing hard on new features in the coming year with a couple of new Premium & Professional addons as well as some really great core features that are already in the making.

Have a great festive season and we wish you all the success you deserve as affiliates throughout the holiday period!

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