Éxito Joven: Ganar dinero de verdad con los blogs y el marketing de afiliación - Entrevista con Devesh Sharma

Welcome to the interviews with super affiliates series where we post our chats with affiliates that are doing really well and making a good living using affiliate marketing. These interviews are part inspirational, part educational and totally interesting! Enjoy today's interview…

Devesh SharmaToday I want to introduce you to Devesh Sharma. Although he's still only in his early twenties, he is already a veteran of the blogging community having sold a website in the past and now runs one of the web's most successful blogs about WordPress. His sites are monetized with affiliate marketing and they are doing very well.

This interview with Devesh, whom I've known online for quite a while, is a great testament of how networking, blogging and affiliate marketing can really go hand in hand to generate a real income you can live off.

Enjoy the interview!

1. For those that don't know, can you tell us about yourself and what you do?

My name is Devesh Sharma, I am a full time blogger and internet marketer from India. I have been working online since 2009 and been able to make real money from 2012. My first site was a make money online niche blog Technshare, which I later sold for 4 figures.

My current project is a WordPress blog called WPKube, a resource site dedicated to all things related to WordPress. I am also planning to release new products in the coming months.

2. How do you use affiliate marketing in your business and on your sites?

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic way to make money online, if done properly. It can easily be scaled but takes a lot of hard work & time to build the community that can purchase the products that you are promoting.

My current site wpkube relies heavily on affiliate marketing and earns good money from various affiliate networks (mostly related to WordPress).

To use this as a business model for your site, you will have to work hard to build a community first. Here are some methods that I used when I first started WPKube:

1. List Building

I learned the importance of building list with my first site Technshare and since then I have always focused on building an email list.

2. Build connections

If you want to really make some useful connections in your niche, start building them with your peers rather than running around big blogs or gurus. You can start by sharing their stuff on social media, comment on their posts, or maybe write a guest post for them.

This is how I built relationship with some of the great minds in the industry.

3. Guest Posting

Believe it or not, but Guest Posting is here to stay despite what Matt Cutts and others have to say. Though, you cannot do 500 words guest post, you need to be genuine and provide high quality content to get your articles approved on authority sites.

3. What is one thing you can point to that you've done in the past that really had a really positive and lasting effect on your affiliate marketing and made your income take off?

Well, it was when I started focusing more on producing in-depth reviews. Before that I used to do short reviews, so when I wrote a detailed review about ElegantThemes, it really took off and started generating crazy commissions. Since then I have turned my focus onto writing quality reviews, instead of focusing on the quantity of the blog posts.

4. How much time do you invest in your affiliate marketing strategy now compared to when you first started?

When I first started blogging I used to do everything by myself, I was responsible for content, design, marketing, seo, etc. And it wasn’t easy, plus I was in high school at that time. So I spent a lot of marketing, rather than producing high quality content.

Now I have a team of writers who regularly writes high quality content on the site, and my only job is to promote the articles.

5. Whats your number 1 tip to new affiliate marketers?

Affiliate marketing is not going to make you rich over night, but if you treat it like a real business then it will only a matter of time, before you start seeing some awesome results.

6. If you had to start again tomorrow, what would be the first thing you'd do to rebuild your affiliate marketing empire?

I would focus on creating an authority site, rather than building a dozen of 1-2 page sites.

7. Where can people find out more about you? Plug your site 🙂

You can connect me via either WPKube o ZippyMagazine.

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