Welcome to the interviews with super affiliates series where we post our chats with affiliates that are doing really well and making a good living using affiliate marketing. These interviews are part inspirational, part educational and totally interesting! Enjoy today's interview…

Back in 1999 not many people were even on the Internet, let alone seeking ways to make money online. But that's when today's guest started breaking ground on this new thing called “online marketing”.
Today we hear from Miles Baker from ClickScoop which is a website and community hub for ClickBank affiliates. He's an expert affiliate marketer, affiliate program creator for a number of products and is a veteran of the ClickBank marketplace having worked with them for over 15 years.
Enjoy the interview!
1. For those that don't know, can you tell us about yourself and what you do?
I create and promote digital products online as well as help others do the same. I have worked with ClickBank for nearly 15 years and have begun branching out lately with other networks as well like JVZoo.
2. How do you use affiliate marketing in your business and on your sites?
I am an affiliate for products myself, but I also have affiliates who promote my own products.
3. What is one thing you can point to that you've done in the past that really had a really positive and lasting effect on your affiliate marketing and made your income take off?
Getting more into paid traffic, whereas before I used a lot of free options such as SEO. I've also started using retargeting.
4. How much time do you invest in your affiliate marketing strategy now compared to when you first started?
These days I'm more focused on being a vendor and recruiting my own affiliates, so the time I spend on pure affiliate marketing is less than it used to be, however it's something I continue to do daily.
5. Whats your number 1 tip to new affiliate marketers?
Educate yourself and don't think you can completely outsource your way to success. Outsourcing is an amazing tool, but ultimately you need to know how to sell and market online. You need to become an expert in your niche and line of marketing.
6. If you had to start again tomorrow, what would be the first thing you'd do to rebuild your affiliate marketing empire?
I would figure out whatever skills, knowledge, or resources I could leverage in order to give me either a head start or a competitive edge of some kind. I'd then model existing proven success.
7. Where can people find out more about you? Plug your site 🙂